Some people call fighting styles weak and useless because that style is not working for them. The styles that you think is better is the styles that you can proform with the most effectiveness, but that same style someone else would call weak and uneffective. Everyone is differant and have their own way they like to fight, Some of us have great kicks and some of us have great punches.
Some of us have both combined, I think that each style was made for a purpose, and whatever your purpose is from self defense to a career. The style or styles that you are good at or you think is the best, might not be the best for other people. It's
more of the skill of the fighter in that art.
Thank You
Some of us have both combined, I think that each style was made for a purpose, and whatever your purpose is from self defense to a career. The style or styles that you are good at or you think is the best, might not be the best for other people. It's
more of the skill of the fighter in that art.
Thank You