
The 360 Sacn:

After you've shot the BG to the ground. Scan 360 degrees (not standing on the range) on the move to some cover. The scan is not done until after the original BG is down. Engage any threat that pops up on your way to cover. Once behind cover assess if you need to move again and/or if the BG is maneuvering on you. Reload as necessary and call for help if possible (got that cell phone?).
(got that cell phone?)

Things without which you have no business carrying a defensive firearm (off duty cop or private citizen.
1) Proper ID (carry permit and/or agency ID in addition to drivers license)
2) Small flashlight
3) Cell phone
4) Name and # of attorney

I could add more, but this is a minimum.
Had a few vid clips I was puting together for training...

Instead of wasting bandwidth on a new thread, I thought Id just continue this one.

The first clip is the standard malfunction drill...tap..rack...continue.

The second one is a Type III stoppage drill (feedway failure) the slide is already locked back here simulating a stoppage. In a real stoppage you would have to lock it back first. I only have one training mag so I hold onto it here. In reality I would ditch the bad one and put in a fresh one, but this lets me just do continuous drill without having to pick up mags every time.


dearnis.com said:
Things without which you have no business carrying a defensive firearm (off duty cop or private citizen.
1) Proper ID (carry permit and/or agency ID in addition to drivers license)
2) Small flashlight
3) Cell phone
4) Name and # of attorney

I could add more, but this is a minimum.
I'd like to add one more:
5) a less lethal alternative (pepper spray, kubotan, stun gun, whatever)

Because I'd like to give myself ever opportunity to avoid a wrongful death suit and if I fail to avoid it, I'd like to make it hard for the plaintiff to argue that I was looking shoot someone.[/font]

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