but back to chi ,as an electrical generator in more scientific terms, first and forever I thought all those u tube chi demos were phony , staged but if you notice its always with their own group, who are into the idea and are perfectly relaxed unthreatened willingly with all the symptoms of being susceptible , again with the smallest grain of salt , but its some great stunt work if nothing else , its chi psychology,maybe and when the whole group converge raining strikes down on the chi guy in the center , who wants to be the only one to accidentally graze the chi master ,so the same time they might think they are trying to strike them , they know they can't, cause no one else can , so they are actually try to strike and not strike them at the same time ,a skill they must practice cause they badly want to be the chi master in the middle that no one will quite strike they must practice this full force near contact striking and throwing allot back at their schools how else could they get so good at it , but maybe they believe it or want to so much, it becomes an actual physical shield around the guy in their mind , so under certain circus like circumstances it might become more real than otherwise , needles to say it won't work quite the same, with a typical pack of hells angels at the bar, all trying to stomp them at the same time , chi is in simplest terms more like an extension of alertness controlled internally easy to learn hard to master , everyone knows you have to use controlled anger has there ever been a great boxer who stepped into the ring who wasn't a little angry at the guy on the other side ,they used to say about tyson, he went out,fighting like the guy stole something from him , problem is out of the laboratory setting the sht hits the fan most of the chi goes out the window , along with everything else we've ever been taught, the whole chess board is thrown in our face ,like can you train to swat a fly that lands on you ,flies are fast and unpredictable ,there are no techniques maybe hope to intercept their trajectory, but its a direct line and focus to the target knowing there might be a window of a tenth of a second ,a fly could probably get in plenty of wing flaps in this period of time that seems short to us , so for us to say if the fly does this them I will counter with that , is a waste of time , and to say if an opponent throws a strike you can answer with combinations you train ,they won't work on a fly but you think ,they will on someone who is skilled , the jurus occupy and cover allot of airspace by always putting something out there, between you and the opponent , a motion practiced at the hip might be suddenly adjusted to a collarbone level hit off the parry , who knows what the other will do ,no one ,some they say oh hold your hands out in front of you with speaking gestures so you are just a flinch away from striking or blocking , true maybe you are in position to tell them you will fake high giving em what they expect ,almost and then strike low ,its inviting low kicks and if hands are at sides its inviting high strikes , to face a much farther and smaller target than is a kick to the ankle shin calf knee inner and out thigh groin hip socket etc, in silat they seem to automatically take as much of that out with the stepping into technique while closing into hand range ,you never would just go to lock an arm with out throwing in a low knee to the leg or adding foot stomp , that leads to a sweep ,or opens the way some step through throw , that you weren't even particularly looking for ,