define 'They' ...Are you talking Al Qaeda, or Islam Al Jamiha?
Or do you believe the world is broken down between the 'Good' and the 'Evil' and you are describing 'They' as all the evil in the world?
they did exist before all of this,
Al Qaeda did exist in Afghanistan.
Islam Al Jamiha did exist in the northeast mountains of Iraq. Under the safety net of the United States No Fly zone. Completely out of the scope of Hussiens' Iraq and Fedayyeehn.
Hand Sword said:
They are there now.
But we are still unclear as to how to define 'They' ... because most of the 'They' in Iraq, are the pissed off Sunni's who are afraid of being ethnically cleansed by the Government the United States put in Place in Iraq.
Sure, there are some terrorists in Iraq, but, they are a small percentage of the disruptive entities in Iraq. And they were not there before the US Military.
Hand Sword said:
Again, Islam Al Jamiah did have training camps in the northeast mountains of Iraq - the area where the Kurds had been operating as an independent country since 1992 - Under the protection of the United States Air Force.
Prior to the US invasion of Iraq, this organization was, at best, very loosely influenced by Al Qaeda, and hardly an affiliate. After the invasion, the one legged guy changed the name of
his operation - which was loosely affiliated with Islam al Jamiha - to Al Qaeda in Iraq.
This was a Brilliant Marketing Stroke - because it was bought by Bill O'Reilly and passed on to his sycophants, and from that echo chamber assimliated to the uninformed.
Hand Sword said:
and they will keep doing what they do and have done.
If the United States military disappeared from Iraq today ... the Sunni and Shi'ite militias would eliminate any of the terrorists in the country. Islam Al Jamiha - or Al Qaeda in Iraq - would have bigger worries than where the next Bradley Fighting vehicle was going to be. Really, they'd be looking for the Mahti Army. That would be getting their attention.
Hand Sword said:
As for the blowback, It happened anyway, before we did anything. Remember the Cole, all of the embassies bombed, the first WTC bombing? "THEY" can't be ignored sir. They have to be dealt with, and you can't talk to them, or negotiate with them.
Now you are conflating two different organizations, to different ideaologies into one. You are trying to paint everything in the world in a single color. The inability, or unwillingness, to discern the difference between bin Laden's Al Qaeda and the civil unrest in Iraq is getting our soldiers killed.
(and the spelling of Islam Al Jamiha throughout this post is incorrect, I apologize for that, but the facts about this organization are not in dispute)
P.S. - And the President often tells us that Iraq is part of the War on Terror because the leaders of Al Qaeda says it is - claiming bin Laden said Iraq is the central front of the war on terror. I don't believe that Osama Bin Laden should be directing American Foreign Policy. Mr. President, You need a better reason than that.