Boxing, kickboxing, and MMA are all martial arts so you’re contradicting yourself…
And in past MMA fighters did try karate and kung fu. Now it is mostly combos of boxing, kickboxing, BJJ, wrestling, Judo in MMA that is mainstream with some fighters using Kenpo Karate and taekwondo in MMA just not the flashy taekwondo and Kenpo Karate that is more modified for MMA.
I think many videos on youtube of MMA or boxers on the street destroying karate or kung fu made these arts look less effective and the exotic feel of it is less real like now but sports like and getting in shape. And this sadly what lot people in the US think.
Now again it does not mean karate or kung fu can’t work or karate or kung fu can’t win a fight over boxer or MMA it just means MMA and boxing is more rough and bloody. So there is lot more conditioning going on and is more rough than the safe martial arts schools where you see kids and teens and with little sparring or point sparring hits than the rough sparring you see in boxing and MMA. Not to say the fighting competition that are rough.
When you look at street gangs, prisoners and thugs they look at boxing or MMA and mimic those fightings moves even with mad forums than older martial arts. And some one with no training or even only two days training giving hundreds of random punches in one second to some one with no fighting abilities and no conditioning where they never got into any fight ever or hit any time ever is just as bad.
And boxing is almost in the minds of US culture even if they never took any boxing classes and boxing forum are horrible where the boxing coach is shaking his head watching in shock the non training street gangs, prisoners and thug mimic boxing not older martial arts.
MMA is looked at bloody and rough not where you send your kids. And public sandy seems to buy into this image
And well MMA is sport not self defence class they rough and have lot of conditioning.
The older martial arts school can be just as rough or more but the schools allowing kids and teens, little sparring or point sparring hits, water down sports competition in name of making it way safer and not bloody like than MMA could be want is killing older martial arts and turning people away from it and look at comic fighters and superheroes being more exotic and believable.