Movies Influence on the Martial Arts

I was watching Chuck Norris films before I began training, but they didn't cause me to start. I wanted to start even before that.
To be honest, I didn't see too many Norris films before I began. I was too young to get into the theaters to see him or the ninja films, and not too many stations showed him. He wouldn't start making those crappy family-friendly films for several years, by which time I was already doing TKD.
Oddly enough it wasn't a movie but a person in my case, my father got me involved at a young age because he wanted to make sure I could defend myself if I ever needed to. Granted, the movies kept me motivated and keenly interested, but ultimately my interest in the martial arts originated on a more wholesome note hehe.
In my opinion, the most influenced category is the children. I am saying that because in the movies you can see the starring man beats 5 guys with stuffs etc and many children want to look like him.....This is a nice way to make children up to go to Martial Arts schools. I suggest children go to Wing Chun schools, if there is near your house or in other martial arts in order to defense in someone's attack....:)
I was heavily influenced by Chuck Norris flicks. My dad & I saw "Forced Vengence" at the theatre & then walked across the street & signed up for class.
Being a cross eyed, asthmatic and getting bullied got me into training, but movies helped motivate.
Martial arts films dont do it for me anymore as the violence is to fake, but stuff like Rome, A History of Violence, Last of the Moheicans, Conan, The Bourne films and Fight Quest get me pumped to train.
How many people got into the martial arts due to the influence of movies or television? I know I did. For me it was David Carradine's Kung Fu series and the Octagon with Chuck Norris. It seems that I've read that many were influenced by the Samurai movies in the 50's, Bruce Lee was obviously Huge as an influence in both the Green Hornet and his movies. The 1980's saw a massive explosion of studios that catered to children due to the Karate Kid movies etc. So, how many here got into the martial arts initially due to the movies or TV?

I have to say Chuck Norris' Octagon influenced on me also.
I was first exposed to the idea of martial arts and all by an old WWII movie.. and later the kung fu tv series.. and they had some influence on me I am sure as far as wanting to learn martial arts.
for me it was the original teenage mutant ninja turtles and power rangers in the early 90's after i started movies like rumble in the bronx and even the older movies like enter the dragon made me more interested in martial arts

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