I disagree with this. It shouldn't take 25 years for someone to reach their peak, in terms of understanding or proficiency. It will vary from person to person, as some people are more gifted than others, but I wouldn't think more than four years of dedicated training would be required for the average person.
I would say if you asked people who have trained with me over the years, most if not all would describe me as being "more gifted than others."
Required for what? To learn everything you need to know about martial arts?
To my mind the problem (if it can be called a problem) comes from traditional styles that I view as cluttered with extra 'junk' techniques and kata/patterns which must all be memorised and perfected before students of that art can be recognised as a master.
Ah yes: the "classical mess" that Bruce talked about, eh?
Well that isn't what I'm talking about. I am talking about becoming more and more proficient with the techniques you already know. Or do you think that a person can simply learn a technique and then that is the end — they've got it down and need not worry about it any more?
Yay! More definitions! How do you define 'growth'? And why should it take more than twenty years to develop fully?
Growth is something that continues to happen. It doesn't stop at four years or twenty.
I know from experience that while I was pretty damn good after two years of training, I was better after four; better yet after 10; and even better after 15.
And it wasn't about adding to the quantity of techniques; it was about adding to the quality and a deeper understanding of the art — a better understanding of the whens and whys of using techniques.
If this hasn't been your experience, two questions come to mind:
How long have you been training?
and, if longer than four years,
How is it that you HAVEN'T noticed "growth" in your abilities?
If I was in your shoes and did not see any improvement after the first four years, I would be concerned something was wrong with me or my training.
But then, your mileage may vary