Why do people think grappling arts always beat striking arts?

Agree that he has a weak stance. If his feet are not that close together, it's not that easy to sweep him down from that angle. But if his feet are apart, his opponent behind him could kick his groin.
very true. Maybe a bow stance would work? It wouldn't need to be low. Just one foot forward and another foot back type thing. I would have allowed him to take a wider stance without exposing too much of his groin.

Do they allow groin kicks in gang initiations when they are getting "jumped in?" lol.

When you are getting jumped in you cannot.

1. Cry
2. Fight back.
3. Call for help.
It is to show you are tough enough to be in the gang.
It wouldn't work for me because I would definitely do #2. I had guy from a fraternity ask me to join and he asked me what would I do if they hit me. I told him that I would hit them back. So that ended any chances of me being a part of that group lol. With fraternities it's called hazing but the concept is still the same. How much physical punishment can you take and if you are willing to take it in order to be part of the frat. Stuff like that never made sense to me. If someone actually cared about you they wouldn't do something like that. There are other ways to create strong bonds and to see how tough someone is.

Unfortunately mess like this goes on.
No you cannot do groin kicks because that would be fighting back. Typically in jumping someone they avoid hitting you in the nuts or anywhere they can kill you, they just want to beat the **** out of you and not kill you.

And yeah there are better ways to show how tough someone is but keep in mind these are gangs who do it. Not fraternities or anything but street gangs. They don't typically care too much about other members unless they are related or high ranking in the gang.
they just want to beat the **** out of you and not kill you.
My teacher told me that there was a guy when people jumped on him, he bend down, used both arms to cover his head, let those guys to beat on him. When they finished beating on him, he even asked, "Do you guys have enough? Are you sure?" Next day he brought an axe and killed everybody that attacked him include their family members.

Some guys have reputation as, "If you mess with me, I'll not only kill you, I'll kill all your family members include your dog." IMO, it's stupid and risky to just "beat up" someone.
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My teacher told me that there was a guy when people jumped on him, he bend down, used both arms to cover his head, let those guys to beat on him. When they finished beating on him, he even asked, "Do you guys have enough? Are you sure?" Next day he brought an axe and killed everybody that attacked him include their family members.

Some guys have reputation as, "If you mess with me, I'll not only kill you, I'll kill all your family members include your dog." It's stupid to treat a street fight as "fun".

That was a fight though. This was not a fight, it is an initiation ritual for people who wish to join the gang. It does not happen against he persons will but is something they request to be done to them.
It wouldn't work for me because I would definitely do #2. I had guy from a fraternity ask me to join and he asked me what would I do if they hit me. I told him that I would hit them back. So that ended any chances of me being a part of that group lol. With fraternities it's called hazing but the concept is still the same. How much physical punishment can you take and if you are willing to take it in order to be part of the frat. Stuff like that never made sense to me. If someone actually cared about you they wouldn't do something like that. There are other ways to create strong bonds and to see how tough someone is.

Unfortunately mess like this goes on.

Yes I heard of a fraternity where with the chapter at this one college the hazing of pledges on hell night was much like the video and you couldn't fight back or anything or you wouldn't get in. When the national headquarters of the fraternity found out the chapter got in trouble and had to drop one of their letters.
Buka, thanks. Sort of.

Joe, I actually thihnk was not his weak stance, but his poorly placed stance, i.e. in a way that lets someone get behind him. I know, I get it, easy for me to say, hard for somebody to do, right. Still, trying to steer clear of situations probably best way.

Miagi-san say, "Best way block punch, you no be there." Fits here.

I've never been involved in anything of 3 vs 1 where the 1 was a winner. Got away, sure. Won? Nope. 2 on 1, slightly different. Of course, those were bar fights and my crew and I were on the way to stop (stomp) it, but still. It doesn't take very long to get messed up in a multiples situation.

And, IronBear... even if it was a gang initiation, it's still a multiples situation... it'd be better to DO better, right?
Buka, thanks. Sort of.

Joe, I actually thihnk was not his weak stance, but his poorly placed stance, i.e. in a way that lets someone get behind him. I know, I get it, easy for me to say, hard for somebody to do, right. Still, trying to steer clear of situations probably best way.

Miagi-san say, "Best way block punch, you no be there." Fits here.

I've never been involved in anything of 3 vs 1 where the 1 was a winner. Got away, sure. Won? Nope. 2 on 1, slightly different. Of course, those were bar fights and my crew and I were on the way to stop (stomp) it, but still. It doesn't take very long to get messed up in a multiples situation.

And, IronBear... even if it was a gang initiation, it's still a multiples situation... it'd be better to DO better, right?

In who's opinion would it be better and how do you do better? You are literally supposed to get your *** kicked, if you fight back you don't pass the initiation.

It's not a test to see if you can fight but a test to see how tough you are. So along as you don't cry or beg for them to stop you are doing the best.
Miagi-san say, "Best way block punch, you no be there." Fits here.
If you block your opponent's 1st punch, you have to block his 2nd punch, 3rd punch, and ...


- best way to block a punch is not to give your opponent a chance to punch.
- next best way to block a punch is not to give your opponent a space and distance to punch. If your arms are already in your opponent's punching path, his fist has to deal with your arms first before reaching to your face.
If you block your opponent's 1st punch, you have to block his 2nd punch, 3rd punch, and ...


- best way to block a punch is not to give your opponent a chance to punch.
- next best way to block a punch is not to give your opponent a space and distance to punch. If your arms are already in your opponent's punching path, his fist has to deal with your arms first before reaching to your face.
Glad you posted an explanation. I was just about counter your statement by saying that a person can block the first punch and move to a position that makes it difficult or impossible to use the second punch. One of my favorite tactics is to push the first punch into the path of the second punch.
Glad you posted an explanation. I was just about counter your statement by saying that a person can block the first punch and move to a position that makes it difficult or impossible to use the second punch. One of my favorite tactics is to push the first punch into the path of the second punch.
To use your opponent's leading arm to jam his back arm is a very good idea. This way, you only have to deal with one of and his arms and not both.

If you can use your opponent's leading leg to jam his back leg, use his leading arm to jam his back arm, you will have a safe entry.
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If I block the first punch I don't have to block the 2nd 3rd or whatever, I often grab their wrists which leads to me getting the other hand, then it's time for low kicks.
If I block the first punch I don't have to block the 2nd 3rd or whatever, I often grab their wrists which leads to me getting the other hand, then it's time for low kicks.

Had to write. You actually grab a wrist from a first jab? Impressive speed there.
Had to write. You actually grab a wrist from a first jab? Impressive speed there.

Thank you. I am sure you can do it too, it is not that hard. In all honesty its just prediction, you know they are going to jab, everyone jabs at the face. Just react at the right moment and you got it.
Thank you. I am sure you can do it too, it is not that hard. In all honesty its just prediction, you know they are going to jab, everyone jabs at the face. Just react at the right moment and you got it.
Have you tried this full contact/speed against a boxer? This gets a lot tougher when they are faster than you and knows how to use faints. Not saying it's impossible, but tougher than you're making it seem in your post.
I have done it to other karateka. If you fail to do it, it is also still safe as you still blocked it.