Who's at fault us or everybody else


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MTS Alumni
I look over threads and see all of these post about self proclaimed Master's and was wondering is it justified or not... My opinon as most of you know is old school but over the past couple of years I can understand why TKD and other styles start up there own system or styles or way of certification.......... Most Master want to control every aspect of your teaching not wanting the student to seek other avenues for the simple fear factor that comes from within thier self pity or pride as some say. They tell you (your not able to start a school) without permission from them if you do, then they blackball you or try.......Or you find out they never certified you like you thought, then your outside looking in.....So in your opinon is it justify to start your own association for certification or your own style for the sole purpose of self motivation......Or has it become the norm in the MA enviroment to just except things and go on no question asked..... God Bless America
I have thought for many years that the traditional MAs are too hidebound and seem to be run at the top by a few frightened/proud/cynical old men.
I have felt that all this about honour and respect is fine but is overdone, Im sure there are a few old men in Japan who are laughing thier hakama off at what they put us through.
As anyone who has stopped to look can see there is an awful lot of big egos in the Ma world and they wont let go easily.
As stated in the above post the wholw certification system is open to abuse and in a lot of cases is useless anyway.

So if you want to break away and start on your own, good luck to you and I hope you do well but such seems to be the stranglehold they have that you probably are on a hiding to nothing.
Just my view.

I took a Tae Kwon Do class and that issue was at the forefront. He told horror stories about how Authentic Korean Masters were run out of business by their own students opening a school only a mile away. He then went on to explain how we should vow to never do this. My first thought was welcome to America!
In America, calling yourself Master, Grandmaster, or System Founder is as easy as going to your local print shop and getting a colorful certificate drawn up proclaiming yourself Kwan Jang of X Do Kwan. We have a problem with patience. We think after we have studied for 10 years under someone, we know everything we need to know and want to start teaching. However, we can't make enough money or get enough recognition teaching someone else's style, we have to create our own. Our ego wouldn't have it any other way.
If you go on the United States Martial Arts Association website, or the website of World Soke Council, you will find umpteen self-proclaimed Kwan Jangs, Sokes, Hanshis etc, and more made up styles than you can possibly count.
Nobody want to devote their life to an established art, when it is much easier to create your own and cash in after 10 years or so. In America, nobody knows the difference.

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