Who will run in 2008

Edwards didn't leave a good impression to me during the last campaign.
That was my opinion...you can post who you think will run....

I agree that all states should give each canidate a fair chance....Banarik was on the ballot in PA ... I think....and I saw signs for Peroutka
BlueDragon1981 said:
Edwards didn't leave a good impression to me during the last campaign.
That was my opinion...you can post who you think will run....

I agree that all states should give each canidate a fair chance....Banarik was on the ballot in PA ... I think....and I saw signs for Peroutka
Rather than discuss the personalities we want to see in 2008, I think it would be far more constructive to list the issues in 2008 we want to see represented, and then point out the possible candidates that support those positions. I find this makes it far easier to find the candidate that best suits that role. It also eliminates certain candidates if they don't represent "core issues" that we possess.

Personally, I look for a Presidential candidate that is:

*Strong on defense
*Anti-Gun Control
*Pro-Law Enforcement
*Supports a balanced budget
*Supports more limited federal government
*STRONG alternative energy policy
*Supports extricating ourselves from dependence on Arab oil

Some issues I find irrelavent myself:

*Abortion (I don't find myself compelled either way, so this one doesn't motivate me)
*Religion (I don't care what the candidate professes to believe)
*Gay Rights (Whatever everyone else decides, is fine with me...I don't believe this issue will damn the country either way)

I have some mixed feelings about candidates from both parties. For example, i've always been somewhat supportive of organized labor, HOWEVER, in recent years i've felt that labor has embraced some political issues that I feel have alienated many Americans to them.

In addition, I support big business, BUT, I do believe that government regulations are necessary to protect consumers and the general public. I believe that we must balance the interests of business with the interests of the public in general.

I believe Democrats have leaned too far one way and Republicans too far the other on many issues.
Yes, issues are what matters--if they'll truly discuss them. I am not optimistic about that. George Bush the Younger was especially bad about saying nothing. I'll say this for the Democrats: They're brave and stupid enough to take a stand on things.
I was kind of thinking Bill Richardson for the Hispanic vote and he's from a sort of southern state, which seems to be important lately.

I think Guiliani and McCain have an outside chance, but I think that they'll have trouble in the primaries because the Republican party is largely too far to the right, so moderate are screwed. Moderate Democrats are screwed, too, like Lieberman, because they are too far to the left. I love extremism. My guess is Clinton and Richardson versus Rice and someone from the north, perhaps Guiliani, but I think he's more of a run-for-President type than a run-for-VP type. My guess, by the way, is based on pretty much nothing.

I do hope Kucinich runs again, though. I could use a good laugh. I think he's the worst candidate I've seen for as long as I've cared. He won't even carry his own state of Ohio if he makes it to the main ballot. He probably wouldn't carry any state, for that matter.
arnisador said:
Yes, issues are what matters--if they'll truly discuss them. I am not optimistic about that. George Bush the Younger was especially bad about saying nothing. I'll say this for the Democrats: They're brave and stupid enough to take a stand on things.
How about a real debate series between the candidates? Not something pre-planed like the last ones? Bring a few of the 3rd party folks in too to really force these puppets to address the issues, not just do long infomercials.
arnisador said:
Yes, issues are what matters--if they'll truly discuss them. I am not optimistic about that. George Bush the Younger was especially bad about saying nothing. I'll say this for the Democrats: They're brave and stupid enough to take a stand on things.

They do? LOL

"I have a plan. I can't tell you what it is, but I sure have a plan" LOL

I loved that line...

btw, the Senator from Illinois is Obama Baraka I believe. His time will come.

I really like the idea of H. Clinton running. A lot of her political philosophy matches my own and I think she would represent most of the ideas I care about.
arnisador said:
Maybe Jesse The Body Ventura will make a play?

He calls himself Jesse "The Mind" Ventura now, btw.

I wouldn't knock Jesse's politics either. He is a social liberal and a fiscal conservative. He is a man of his word and has a no BS attitude that I respect. He says what he means and sometimes its not what you want to hear.

I didn't agree with everything that he did in MN as governor, but I respected the fact that I KNEW he wasn't owned by any god damned lobbiest. I voted for Jesse in 98 in order to "stick it to the man" and if he ran in 2008, I would be sorely tempted to do it again.
Bob Hubbard said:
I'd like that too.....just ECW style, in a steel cage, weapons rules.
{{{in my best "Sling-Blade" impersonation...}}}
"I like the way you talk..."

Your Brother

(I also like them French Fried taters....mmhmmm)
Bob Hubbard said:
How about a real debate series between the candidates? Not something pre-planed like the last ones? Bring a few of the 3rd party folks in too to really force these puppets to address the issues, not just do long infomercials.
that'd be NICE.........
but I really really REALLY don't see that happening.

Your Brother
Regarding Mrs. Clinton....I'm still waiting for the 200,000+ jobs she promised WNY to show up.
Bob Hubbard said:
Regarding Mrs. Clinton....I'm still waiting for the 200,000+ jobs she promised WNY to show up.

An interesting (but highly unlikely) election would be Hillary vs Condeleeza Rice. Could not play the sex card that way... would be interesting!

Xequat said:
I was kind of thinking Bill Richardson

That gets a lot of discussion in the papers here in NM. He just had a book come out, which I find...suspicious. They always put out a biography and/or policy book before they run.
I would love to see a real debate. But who could force them to do so?

Jesse Ventura will aways be The Body to me, and I would take his candidacy very seriously.
Bob Hubbard said:
How about a real debate series between the candidates? Not something pre-planed like the last ones? Bring a few of the 3rd party folks in too to really force these puppets to address the issues, not just do long infomercials.

That's going to be a problem. You see, a couple elections ago the parties took the debates away from the League of Women Voters. The LWV ran them like, well, presidential debates. The parties run them like campaign ads with special rules about what can and can't be asked and a bunch of other stuff. For instance, one of the things the Greedy Old Plutocrats insisted on last time was that George Bush get a box to stand on so he'd look as tall as John Kerry. I kid you not.
mrhnau said:
btw, the Senator from Illinois is Obama Baraka I believe. His time will come.


IMHO, Baraka is as Corrupt and Bought as Governer Goblowa***** and Mayor "Mafia Don" Daley

But try as we might we cant get rid of these freaks, no matter HOW much corruption they are accused of. Democrats are NEVER wrong, no matter what they do.

keep all three of em out of office I say.

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