Who's our next President?

I don't care if you vote for bush, a dem., an independent, or if you write yourself in....you MUST excersise your right to vote! If you can't at the very least get your @$$ out there to vote for a presidential election, then you should be forced to shut your fat mouth about anything involving politics for the next 4 years.
Amen to that my friend!! Far too often the people who are most vocal about what is wrong with this country are the ones that sit home on election day. During a conversation with another driver at a truckstop recently I asked the question "Did you vote in the last election?" in response to his continual complaining (truckers are great at complaining) he said "No". When I asked why his response was the usual.... what's the use. If you don't do anything to affect a change then you have no right to expect a change. I don't care what the politics of the rest of the board members here is. My connection with all of you is through martial arts. It is through my affiliation with many of you that I have gained respect for you and you're opinions whether they agree with my own or not. That is one of the basic tenents of the american way of life..... you are free to disagree with me and I with you without fear of retribution. With that freedom comes a great deal of responsibility. Chief among them is....GET OFF YOUR BUTT AND VOTE!!:soapbox:

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