My instructor is Mike Hogan, a long time student of Huk Planas.
The teaching philosophy is Ed Parker's American Kenpo in a relaxed, family environment with ego checked at the door.
Originally, we choose Hudson Kenpo because of the convenient location. The reasoning has changed a bit as I have progressed. Now, it is the direct connection to Huk Planas, and the form of American Kenpo that was taught at the Ed Parker Kenpo Schools in Southern California. While I doubt I will ever find myself in a position to need to use my training, I do want to "do it right". If Ed Parker is the genius he is hailed to be, I want my understanding of this endeavor of self-defense to be as close to what he did as I can find. And I have come to believe that the closest connection is Huk Planas. I don't think that Mr. Planas would yet take me on as his personal student, but through Mike Hogan's two decades of training with Mr. Planas, I am but one stepped removed.
And, on a much more basic level, I continue to train, because I feel better leaving the studio than I felt when I arrived at the studio. As long as that is the case, what reason is there to stop?