James, please don't take the following personally. I'm venting, it's not aimed at anyone in particular.
So, I guess the question is then, since everyones on FaceSpace...why am I wasting $500 a month here....why did I just drop a $160 to upgrade the software....
I can't compete with Facebook. They have 300 million people posting about their farmvilles, and their picture of the days and their vampires and joining all these groups that never ever seem to update, and posting about what they had for lunch or their last bowel movement.... it's a 300 million person LPT.
Ya know....I'm sorry our rules require people to act like adults. I'm sorry that alot of these "Masters" can't handle it when someone tells them 'no'. I'm sorry that X won't post because we won't ban Y, or that Z keeps posting "incorrect" information and X is boycotting us until we allow them to hurl insults. I'm sorry that I can't provide constant entertainment, millions of dollars of programming, and immediate response on a site that's mostly comprised of unpaying members.
I can implement a monthly membership fee, $29.95, supercharge the site and actually pay the staff. Oh wait, $20 a year is too much, the sites not worth it, and all internet should be free. Not to mention 95% of the members would just leave. Hell, some of those old timers left because I added an optional paid level. Some left when I started accepting sponsors.
You know, there are actually people here who think I should spend $6,000 a year so they can call me an ******* for suggesting they calm down in a thread that's a hair short of getting physical?
I had people quit when I reset the rep system, they quit when I locked the study, they quit when I reopened it, they quit when I added the fracking thing. A whole group quit when I banned someone for posting his account info on USENET, another group quit when I wouldn't let them post 4,000 demands for paperwork on every thread, hell, 1 guy quit because we moved his thread, and I can think of 40 who quit because we got tired of them only popping in to post seminars and not tossing a bone our way.
Seeing a trend here?
I got quit notices because I added a paid arcade, I got quit notices because I insulted George Bush, because I insulted Hillary Clinton, because I wouldn't let someone post racist and gay bash crap. I had people quit because my former instructor took a rank promotion for petes sake.
In the midst of this crap, every certified fraud in the universe seems to scream legal threats when their names come up, the big fraud buster site trolls us every 6-8 months, and god help us if someone questions Soke 'lotta paper'.
Add in the occasional software/server/browser/network glitch, the idiots who think it's ok to use "notgunnatellu" as their name when they sign up then spend 3 days arguing the posted policy and then signup a dozen obvious fake accounts just to waste our time.....
And my doctor says I need to cut back on my stress.
I spend 2-3 hrs a day on here, 7 days a week, every day. Activating accounts, checking on tickets, making sure things are working. I try to seed new topics to generate conversation (over 80 this past month), bump active ones to keep them going, add some controversy to mix things up, handle member questions by email and PM (I've got 150 unread pms right now....i'm backlogged majorly)....and do it on 2 other forums (I shut the Dead Parrot down weeks ago as it was dead).
And my thanks is, I get called crazy by a friend, get told I can't succeed by another, have a few others tell me they are quitting because I running a platform for crackpot politics, and wonder how many others just left without even saying goodbye.
And I wonder why I bother, why I don't just pull the plug, and walk away.
Because we have people on here who make all that fracking ******** worth it. I met some great people in Atlanta on my August trip. Got to hang out with Flea and MA Caver too. I've got people all across the continent and over in England and Sweden and Germany and the PI who have extended invitations to visit, sent me thanks for running a site where they can come and feel welcome, where they can relax and not get into the "dick measuring" you find on so many other sites. I've gotten dozens of thanks from people who found schools, or training partners, and in at least 1 case a life partner.
Heres the deal.
If I am out of line, I expect to be called on it. The long timers should know by now I'm man enough to apologize when I go too far, and man enough to accept correction when I'm wrong. You folks are going to have to build the art sections. There's not much I can do there right now, other than post a few videos as I find them, or add some opinion as I can. You want meat, seed it, nurture it, grow it and help us, help you get it. You want less politics...well, I can't kill a popular section.....add more non-politics and make it a smaller % of the site. I've long said I'd love to see history, articles, videos, bios, technique break downs, interviews, event reports, etc. Hell, just posting some short review of your last seminar and a couple of pics can get things moving. Work with us, we're here to work with you. I'm keeping the lights on and the door open. It's up to you where it goes from here.
That's the best I can do folks.