Who was Arnisador?

I don't know, exactly. In some ways, the cat is out of the bag and I don't know if it can be undone.

Personally, I think the martial discussions can sustain themselves. Yes, the site will be smaller, especially initially after a change were made. But I think it would be possible to have a viable site focused on martial talk, when that is in fact the name of the site.

Drac mentioned that you can't please everyone. This is true. But maybe having all these other discussion areas is an attempt to do so. I think the site is losing it's focus and gaining a new one. Maybe people are happy with that. For me, I find it disappointing.

It doesn't feel so much like a place for martial arts discussion anymore because it's laden with distractions, and that is what makes me less likely to come around. It feels like nobody wants it to be that anymore.

OK, if that's how people feel, then that's how people feel.

To be honest here is my opinion as a "newb" I generally don't post on these important threads as I'm just a little guy. (Haha, I'm not a midget for the record!)

But if the Political in nature threads were dismantled, then as Flying Crane put it the focus would be put back on M.A. topics which in fact would bring in more "serious M.A. posters". The only problem with this idea is the time factor, who knows how long it would take...

So the key theoretically is to bring in more Serious, knowledgeable practitoners of the Martial Arts but to do that I feel the focus would have to be on Martial Arts topics. But then there stands a chance that it would turn into another KFO, so I guess politics may enter into the site no matter what but I guess that's what it means to moderate... Who knows??

For the record I agree for the present that your solution to band access to the threads that people don't want to visit for those specific people may be the best solution to make all parties happy, but I would also like to see more Martial Arts only specific postings but that's just me.

Bob, I know that you have to do what you have to do to get by & for the record I'm grateful for your efforts in establishing & keeping this site regulated 24/7. It's been a great source of information, guidance & even humor to all of us. So thanks for that.

Just getting my feelings off of my chest, for however little as they are worth. Have a great vacation!
I read earlier in this thread that you have not practiced any martial arts since 2005 because of an injury. I cannot give you advice on running a forum, you have been cursed with much more expertise on that than I ever hope to gain, BUT (you knew that was coming didnÂ’t ya) I will say that it is time for you to start training once again. It will change the way this board and so many other things are affecting your life. I do not know the nature of your injury but do know that there are martial practices that you can participate in, you just have to find them. That is my opinion, otherwise you are the drunk sitting in a bar but unable to have a cold beer. That has to weigh on your spirit and your soul. Change one area of your life for the better and the other areas of your life also necessarily improve, want to improve the board still after all you have already done, then simply improve another area of your life. You did this when you married, do it again by starting your martial training once again, not in spite of old injuries but because of them. Good luck and enjoy your vacation.

My pardons for butting in unasked

Warmest regards
Brian King
But if the Political in nature threads were dismantled, then as Flying Crane put it the focus would be put back on M.A. topics which in fact would bring in more "serious M.A. posters". The only problem with this idea is the time factor, who knows how long it would take...

So the key theoretically is to bring in more Serious, knowledgeable practitoners of the Martial Arts but to do that I feel the focus would have to be on Martial Arts topics. But then there stands a chance that it would turn into another KFO, so I guess politics may enter into the site no matter what but I guess that's what it means to moderate... Who knows??

The problem is this: if you don't have an area in your forum where people can discuss off-topic things (including politics), then the topical part of the forum becomes harder to police, since off topic stuff has a way of seeping in if it has no place of its own.

You can fix this by increased moderation and giving the mods a much harder job. Now, this is perfectly possible. Look at the msdn.microsoft.com/forums forums. Very efficient, and very tightly controlled, but also impersonal as anyhing. No human interaction at all, just problem solving.

If you want a community where people can interact in a friendly fashion, and share their life's joys and tragedies, and become friends, then you are stuck with allowing the human need for conversation.
I read earlier in this thread that you have not practiced any martial arts since 2005 because of an injury. I cannot give you advice on running a forum, you have been cursed with much more expertise on that than I ever hope to gain, BUT (you knew that was coming didnÂ’t ya) I will say that it is time for you to start training once again. It will change the way this board and so many other things are affecting your life. I do not know the nature of your injury but do know that there are martial practices that you can participate in, you just have to find them. That is my opinion, otherwise you are the drunk sitting in a bar but unable to have a cold beer. That has to weigh on your spirit and your soul. Change one area of your life for the better and the other areas of your life also necessarily improve, want to improve the board still after all you have already done, then simply improve another area of your life. You did this when you married, do it again by starting your martial training once again, not in spite of old injuries but because of them. Good luck and enjoy your vacation.

My pardons for butting in unasked

Warmest regards
Brian King
Problem is, that's how I often feel, like somethings missing. But, recent vacation has helped me recharge a bit, and I'm slowly healing to the point where it may be possible to do some light workouts again soon. So, things are slowly looking up. I discuss options weekly with my chiropractor and quarterly with my regular doctor. Be nice to get out and work out again. :)
While I respect the right of everyone here to do with their lives as they see fit, Brian does have a point. There are martial arts which injured and disabled people can engage in. Tai Chi and Qi Gong come to mind, but there are unquestionably others.
Problem is, that's how I often feel, like somethings missing. But, recent vacation has helped me recharge a bit, and I'm slowly healing to the point where it may be possible to do some light workouts again soon. So, things are slowly looking up. I discuss options weekly with my chiropractor and quarterly with my regular doctor. Be nice to get out and work out again. :)
Bob... Have you considered something like yoga or tai chi, at least until you can do more vigorous arts?
For a while even Tai Chi and Yoga were on the no list. I'll be asking about them as I've heard some good things about yoga helping some of the particulars. Short version is a dozen or so disc herniation's and tears and bulges causing all sorts of 'fun', including enough of a loss of grip strength for me to consider stick drills unsafe. (that flying stick isn't smart y'know?). Constant numbness in both hands also isn't fun either.
Bob, I have been fortunate to be able to do the work with many people considered ‘disabled’ One of my heroes is now totally blind but now at least has a new kidney. He trained with us for the last couple of years traveling hundreds of miles across an international border with no kidneys and a host of other physical problems, having to watch how much he sweated, what he drank etc or face extreme pain, illness and possibly death, I have another that has a prosthetic leg, another that is deaf, and a host of others in various stages of diseases illnesses or injuries including severely injured backs and necks. They all have great excuses why they cannot do our martial art yet they do it anyway and it has benefited their lives and the lives of loved ones around them so much more than a person would have thought possible. It is a wonder that I give thanks for being able to witness and to share a small part of

You can participate Bob, BUT, you have to be an adult about it. Poznia Sebia (discover yourself) should be your goal in my opinion. Not becoming super bad *** guy, discover yourself and heal yourself and correct training and breathing will do both. Work more on the mental aspects ALONG with some of the physical aspects. Change your perspective so that you can enjoy the weaknesses you now have as they will teach you more than you ever wanted to know about yourself and allow you to work on improving those areas of your life that you can. Be an adult and do not over train. If ten minutes is too long then fine start out at “just” five minutes. Listen to your body and learn to push it just hard enough. Most important I think is to find ways that make the frustration fun. Try to make your practices childlike and playful rather than physical therapy that you have to force yourself to get thru. For a long time Bob your training has been mental (if you consider your work here on MT as type of training) but it is unbalanced and I am sure that you could feel that unbalance and frustration leak all thru your life and relationships. We need good physical work along with good challenging mental work and good rewarding spiritual work to make a well rounded person. When one area is avoided or weak and broken it DOES effect all the other areas negatively. Understand that when I say good hard physical or challenging or rewarding work I do not mean that you have to be training like some kind of Olympian. Hard physical for you at this very moment might be just getting into the push up position for twenty seconds…that is enough if that is where you are at. Hard physical work might be doing one of those FMA number pattern things for twenty seconds…OK or a yoga posture for twenty seconds. That twenty seconds will translate all thru your life my friend. You do not have to push it to a minute, you will know when to push it as you learn to listen to what your body is trying to tell you. If you need to glue a couple of sticks to those MMA gloves and tie the gloves onto your hands and have your wife wear a helmet when she is near, do whatever and get enjoyment out of the very little strides back that you make, get enjoyment out of the stumbles and the setbacks as well they can be very funny my friend at least mine certainly are. A little change of perspective will go a long ways brother and trust me it multiplies not just in your ‘martial’ practice but in every aspect of your life, the physical the mental and the spiritual. Bob, life is ment to be lived, tasted and enjoyed...not in spite of the setbacks that we face but because of them.

Good luck
Warmest wishes
Brian King

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