I guess I don't understand why you want to build traffic that has nothing to do with the topic. Is it a purely business decision?
Let me explain.
No one posts on an dead site. Why is the FMA area dead? Because it's dead. People post, get no reply, they move on. If you visit a forum and never see anything new, you eventually visit less and less, eventually you don't come back. Posts = traffic, traffic = posts. If you have 1, you can build the other. If you have neither, you're DOA.
You want the CMA area to grow? Post more on it. Bring new information up, keep old yet interesting topics going, get others involved and it can grow.
Arnisidor's long standing complaint was that MT was nothing but chat n fluff. He said this back in 2003. His art posts are dwarfed by his non art posts. (most active in TLP thread 7,187 posts compared to 2,453 in General MA his next most active area). He's a knowledgeable black belt yet only made 2,070 posts in 9 years in the FMA areas. This isn't an unusual comparison, so please don't think I'm singling him out here. We have several high ranked kenpo instructors on here, yet they post rarely. We've had several high ranked instructors from numerous arts, they are regular lurkers, some have been since year 1, yet they rarely post.
Why, I don't know. I can't make them post. If they did, even a few posts each per month in their areas of expertize, we'd rapidly skyrocket to over 1,000 posts per day again.
But I can only ask white belt questions so many times before people tune me out or start thinking I'm an idiot because I asked something last month and 'obviously' didn't get it.
Staff have tried to engage people and a serious technical thread will get 20 views and 2-3 comments. A piss up thread will get hundreds, generate a dozen reports and tie up hours of our time we could be doing something productive.
Bottom line is, you want more art talk, make it so. Bump topics, start new ones, use the tools offered to tune out the garbage and help us to help you.
Or don't. If the site grinds to a halt at some point in the future, I'll either sell it, archive it or just drop it and get back half my day and worry less about hackers, crackers and flamers.