Yeah, John, that's why I dismissed it right away. I had checked into Young and Lowe and found out their ethnic origin. Another thing about the Mitose enigma were those infamous prison visits of Bruce Juchnik. Now, I too, had said to myself how can you receive any type of training or anything else for that matter that would put you as head of a system? About three years ago I started corresponding via e-mail and telephone with Professor Eugene Sedeno whom I know you also think a lot of. One time we must have talked a couple of hours on these prison visits, Juchnik and Mitose. Reason being Professor Sedeno had made those visits also and before someone else says it, yes, Professor Sedeno received a 'Master's Certificate' from Mitose. Some of our conversation was confidential but some was open. First let me state I have the highest respect for the Professor. He is the real thing, his character, his training and credentials are immpecable. That being said, Professor Sedeno did not 'need' a master's certificate from Mitose for any legitimacy! The Professor told me the visits were basically 'unrestricted'. They would go outside to a grassy area if I recall with picnic tables and talk about Kosho ryu. The guards went about their business and did not supervise these visits. Mitose would explain things sometimes using hand gestures and telling them where to look and what to research in regards to his Kosho ryu. Now please, before anyone reading this feels they want to throw a shot a me for this post, bear in mind-'don't shoot the messenger'. We are here on this forum to learn and exchange information. All I'm doing is giving you insight as John Bishop did with his interview with Thomas Young. These visits are very controversial. If I were to ask Bruce Juchnik the consensus would be he would be biased for he is profiting from his position on the Mitose issue. I agree. So, what's the best way to get information on this matter then talking to someone who was there! Secondly someone of immpecable character and someone not profiting from the situation. Professor Sedeno has his own lineage and credentials. Now, I have my own personal feelings as to who is the true successor to this art and it would start with Thomas Young and his successor. I have looked into some of the curriculum of Bruce Juchnik and found the katas to be traditional Okinawan karate forms. Now, did Mitose confide in him of his Okinawan training in Hawaii and suggest he goes back to this system to advance his understanding of this art or did Juchnik take it upon himself? I have no idea. Again, my personal beliefs are not the issue here, I am just attempting to report as much fact as possible. I was a history major in college and found that the history of the martial arts are no different than the history of our nation and the world. It can be very subjective and opinionated in respect to each individual reporting it. I am trying be best to keep my own biases out of it and maintain an open mind. As in my training in investigation procedures in law enforcemnet taught me it's very important to keep an open mind. If I may quote from "Cold Case Review"-'Ideas and comments from the Arnold Market Symposium and Workshop 2004-Prepared by Trooper Daniel G. Richard of the Massachusetts State Police Crime Prevention and Control Unit-C-P.A.C.:
5. 'Don't fall in love with one theory'. Ruling out any and all possible subjects is as important as proving the case against one suspect. Do not make the facts fit your idea of what happened.
Again, that's all I'm trying to do and it ain't easy, lol. Professor Joe Shuras