Who is in charge of JKD

Now, I'm no lawyer...

But does she have any chance at winning this if it goes to court?

Trademarks have to be defended to remain valid, and if it has been in general use for the past 30 years internationally, I'd say thats a pretty big undefended period. It's also not like she can deny knowledge that they where doing it.

Whole thing stinks... But, names are only good if people uses them, if she cuts the top guys like Dan Inosanto out of it, the Trademarked name "Jeet Kun Do" will be pretty wrothless...
arnisador said:
OK, thanks! This was news to me.
No, if you're a JKD student you've likely done something similar to this. In application, when the straight (say left for starters) punch comes in, you tan sao with the mirror hand, follow the energy back, and strike back at the opponent using their energy as their hand follows its natural return path. The drill itself excludes the return strike, rather, you (defender) do not strike, attacker follows up with right straight, you tan sao with your left, follow the energy, repeat, repeat, etc. Start slow, speed up as you can.

You've done this, I'm sure. :)
Just to clarify, on Sifu Dan's website, the class is listed merely as "Jeet Kuen" - no "Do" listed.

Secondly where he use to have the JKD logo, it's that new Saturn ring looking Ying Yang and it says "The Intercepting Way" below.

And to further clarify, the Jeet Kuen class strives to teach what Sijo Bruce Lee taught during his lifetime. It seems to mix things from various periods.

For example, we're right lead (unlike the Mixed Martial Arts / Phase classes*), we do the kicking set and kicking form, 2 different wooden dummy sets ("Jun Fan" = Wing Chun version and JKD form that Sijo came up with), chi sau, no Kali and little if any Muay Thai.

Sifu Dan teaches the level 3 classes.

* Mixed Martial Arts class listed is essentially "JKDC" not what most people consider MMA. For that there's the Vale Tudo and Shooto classes.
Thanks for this info.! I'm taking a JKD class now that is mixed just as you indicate--some Wing Chun, some Jun Fan, some JKD...
I am a wing chun practicioner and will remain so until I draw my last breath, but I must say that of what I have seen (yes I have studied JKD) that Dan Inosanto, has the same driving thirst for martial knowledge that Bruce did, if I ever did JKD again (not that I will) then I would move heaven and earth to study with Mr Inosanto. It shoudl be noted that Bruce never meant JKD to be a system but a way, his legacy was a collection of principals that we could absorb or ignore. our choice, who owns these principals?? the universe does, no one can put a copyright on principals only methodology.

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