Which Weapon/Weapons Do You Favor?

yawara, baton, short sticks, expandable baton, mini-mag lite, kubotan

for fun I play around some nunchaku every once in awhile
My favorite weapon would have to be the kama. As far as weapon that I work with the most would be the bo for the simple fact that it is closest to a pool stick.

In the spirit of bushido!

I've been doing Arnis for a while, so I'd have to go with the knife and sticks.
My preference is a blade. Any blade, really. There are many weapons I haven't tried such as the 3-section staff and other more traditional stuff. I don't think there'd be one I wouldn't like. They're all the same, really. Except the flamethrower, that one's a bit different to wield....
Sapper6 said:

you got a kata clip you'd care to post?

arnisador said:
"Build your own flamethrower...and win a Darwin Award at the same time!"
Actually it looks pretty safe... (Reletivly speaking) I'll let you know monday.

I love bo staves, because you can find one in public easier then you can find a sword:D, broomstick, a stick in the yard, a pipe, poolstick. I also love the Fan, it's so graceful.
Heh -- while I will always have a soft spot in my heart for swords, Western, Chinese, and Japanese, my favorite weapon is the hanbo (3-foot stick). I'm also partial to knives.

But hanbo, really, is where it's at. Easy to carry in public (it's could be a cane or reinforced umbrella), devilishly effective, and it leaves non-lethal alternatives open. Always a good thing.
Phoenix44 said:
I don't like nunchaku. I refuse to train with any weapon with which I can knock MYSELF unconscious.

Personally, I'm sure I could knock myself out with any weapon. I almost did it with the bo several times and almost with the sai once, and I'm sure the whip chain will get me someday. LOL

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