What weapons does everyone do?

  • Thread starter Thread starter blackbeltedbeauty
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I've made attempts at the bo and sai, and I would Love to learn the fans
Small knife (knives), large knife, kerambit, small stick to two-handed stick/staff, rope/sarong/chain (different, but very similar), pistol, rifle, shotgun; working on throwing projectiles, but not adept at it.
nunchucka,arnis,knives,katana,tonfa,staff. I can probable still handle(from military days) 45acp,m-16,m-203,m-60(death from a distance!).I do spend allot of time exploring common improvised weapons.
My friend and I train once class is over with the badaca sticks, we do this mostly for our own enjoyment, it isn't really emphasized during class.
well aside from the usual katana, jo, and knife, i like to use car keys, telephone, broom, hammer, pipe wrenches, flashlight.......anything that i might have on me or around me at the time. i'd love to walk down the street with a three sectional staff or some nunchaku in my back pocket, but it just doesnt seem to be legal.

The only weapons I've trained with so far are firearms. At some point I would like to train with objects that might be easily accessible in a confrontation. For now it's brain, hands and feet.
I don't train with weapons in Tae Kwon Do, although using the belt does seem interesting. I can't walk down a street carrying them, so I don't train with them.
In my aikido class, we use the bokken, jo, and tanto.
In ju jitsu we did a little kendo training and disarming katana techniques. In my Tae Kwon Do we did a little training with kali sticks.

I also serperatley do rapier and longsword training.
mmm my tonfa always makes be feel good ::drools::

Anyways Tonfa was my first weapon and Jo is my second....Tonfa is just so fluid and the jo is getting to be that way too...but if I was in a fight and I had my choice of a weapion I would chose Jo cause well...it was a lot of basic strikes that are easy to do under pressure, unlike the tonfa when i have to think about what i am gonna do....besides when I get really made in a fight i chould just beat the guy with it, instead of proper tech.
we train with the usual bo,jo, sticks, knives and even nunchaku.
But for self defence, it is a good idea to be able to utilize any and all inanimate objects of the immediate environment .
hey enson you stole my weapon the trash can lid. I use anything and everything that my hands can get on and then i run or beat the rest of the gang. The naginata is fun almost up there with the halberd (although they dont train you in that anymore, i wish they did). You keep your adversary as far away from you as you can heh heh heh.
weapon training, seems to become weapon fixation, more so with knife enthusiasts.
it would be a joke to say "yeah I'm going down town , now where's my katana and naginata", but! the ammount of reasonable people who say "I feel naked without my knife" seems to be on the increase, some times this statement can be made by an individual after just one studio lesson or a "DO YOU WANT TO" become a knife fighter seminar.
Believe me, its hard to justify self defence after you have used your chrome plated comfort toy on an unarmed assailant.
Just a thought
You should feel confident with and without a weapion....a weapon is nothing mre then a branch off of you to deal more damage wtihout hurting yourself...so if someone asks me if i am a weapion enthesiest i tell them....'i can use one, but i don't necessarly need it" Now one thing i feel naked without is my Gi top in class...it broke and i feel bad, my sensei lets me get away with not wearing it cause it was damaged in a tournament, but still i feel less of a Jonior instructor cause all the patches that i have earned are on there and they hold sintamental value of the training i have had and the basic things I have mastered......weapions eh...there ok...don't really need um though...well if your good enough. :asian:
My favorite weapon (although maybe not my best) is my brain. Next come my hands and feet followed ny whatever I get my hands on
Way after those is my knife

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