What weapons does everyone do?

  • Thread starter Thread starter blackbeltedbeauty
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As I practice muso jikiden eishin ryu iaido, it will hardly come as a surprise when I say katana in answer to the OP question :D.
Knife, stick, bolo/pinute/ginunting, staff/sibat, pistol, carbine, rifle, sling (though I'm terrible at it.)

Had some seminars and basic instruction in katana and longsword, but not nearly enough to say "I study it."

Are you with AEMMA?

Best regards,


Yes , we learn grappling and dagger first , follow by longsword . I then decided to study a little bit of poleaxe .

I decided to stop kendo in favour of learning european longsword technique , well , most of the strike are similar plus I get to do more realistic sword sparring .
Our dojo has incorporated Yamanni Chinen Ryu as our weapons training, and work primarily with the bo and sai. Several of the folks in our system train with Oshiro Sensei on a regular basis, and some hold ranks of Shodan or higher in the RBKD. One of these days, I hope to test with Oshiro Sensei, but that's going to be much later down the road.

We switched over from our former kobudo system, to the Yamanni Chinen Ryu a few years ago, and so far, almost everyone has taken a very good liking to it. I especially like the way the strikes and defenses flow smoothly from one move to the next.

We still do some iaido training with bokken, although some of the more experienced folks use live blades for kata work.
The weapons i train most are the Deer Hook Knives. Not terribly practical, but hell fun!
Next year we are also going to be adding the Bagua broadsword as well... i can't wait! As well as the ba gua weapons, i fool about with the Jo and bokken in Aikido, and also enjoy going down to the local range to shoot recurve and compound bows.
Weapons I have trained in the past (Most of the times are cumulative on and off - often I study one weapon for a year or so, then cycle around to other weapons, then back to the original one eventually):

Throwing Knives/Spikes (2 Yrs.)
Archery - Recurve/Compund (4 yrs.)
Rifle Marksmanship - Hunting rifles (open and scope), Black powder .50 cal (5 yrs)
Pistols (Mostly Target shooting - a little tactical) (4 yrs)
Trap Shooting (.5 yr)
Italian Rapier (1 yr)
-Rapier/Dagger (.5 yr)
Spanish Rapier (2 Yrs)
Sword/Buckler (1 yr)
Italian Longsword (.5 yr)
Italian Dueling Dagger (2 yrs)
Bo staff (Korean) 1 yr
Nunchacku (3 yrs)
shotgun,handguns,knives,and for fun nunchaku with fumio demuras books.sometimes for old times sake ill take the sap to one of the 4by4 training posts in the backyard

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