Which martial arts would compliment or blend well with my Taekwondo training?

just remember things cost money too. if your paying $100 a month for TKD is it then worth another $100 a month to learn hapkido? i would rather choose one between the two and go for BJJ as the add on or Judo.

Good question. I can't answer that though. Only BmillerWarrior can. Actually, I would worry more about the time spent than the money. If you figure a minimum of 2 nights a week per art studied, that's 4 nights a week for martial arts study. If BmillerWarrior has a family, that might be a bit much.

yes I agree to what you're saying. I was thinking of not cross training till I reached first dan but was never going to stop tkd at first dan. My plan was to continue tkd beyond first dan and add either judo or Hapkido to the mix but was more considering judo than hapkido then like you said maybe later blend in some hapkido with everything else.

Perhaps one of us who answered took it off track, but I understood you were thinking more about 2 arts at once. Rereading your post though, I see where you asked if you should wait until you had a black belt in TKD before branching off into another art. Probably a good move.
I think what I'm going to do is focus on TKD right now then when I reach first dan in TKD I'm going to branch off and start a journey with Judo concurrently with my TKD. I will always keep continuing my TKD journey along with my new journey in Judo. Then maybe touch up on some boxing down the road as well. I want to earn my dans in TKD and Judo so I will never neglect one or the other from each other. I will train till the wheels fall off. I would say I have at least 30 more years for this journey. Thats my plan everyone! Opinions?
I think what I'm going to do is focus on TKD right now then when I reach first dan in TKD I'm going to branch off and start a journey with Judo concurrently with my TKD. I will always keep continuing my TKD journey along with my new journey in Judo. Then maybe touch up on some boxing down the road as well. I want to earn my dans in TKD and Judo so I will never neglect one or the other from each other. I will train till the wheels fall off. I would say I have at least 30 more years for this journey. Thats my plan everyone! Opinions?

As someone who's been around contact training for most of his life, sounds like a good plan to me. And I think studying Judo is an excellent idea.

And keep this in the back of your mind over the next decade - Tai Chi. That might sound odd, but just file it away for now.
I think what I'm going to do is focus on TKD right now then when I reach first dan in TKD I'm going to branch off and start a journey with Judo concurrently with my TKD. I will always keep continuing my TKD journey along with my new journey in Judo. Then maybe touch up on some boxing down the road as well. I want to earn my dans in TKD and Judo so I will never neglect one or the other from each other. I will train till the wheels fall off. I would say I have at least 30 more years for this journey. Thats my plan everyone! Opinions?
Sounds like fun, man. If it is, and meets your goals, that’s all that’s really important.
Random question and advice needed on this but I haven't started my TKD training just yet saving a little money at the moment. I have always had a fascination for TKD and Judo for a long time. I'm pretty confident those are the two arts I want to study for my longtime martial arts journey. Do you guys think I should do Judo first then start my TKD journey after I reach first dan in Judo or should I do it the other way around like I was planning? Need opinions. Thanks guys!
Random question and advice needed on this but I haven't started my TKD training just yet saving a little money at the moment. I have always had a fascination for TKD and Judo for a long time. I'm pretty confident those are the two arts I want to study for my longtime martial arts journey. Do you guys think I should do Judo first then start my TKD journey after I reach first dan in Judo or should I do it the other way around like I was planning? Need opinions. Thanks guys!
In reality it shouldn't make that much of a difference long-term. Whichever one is either more convenient or you enjoy more I would do first, because that's the one that you'll find it easier to stick with until you start crosstraining.
Personally given your experience I would start with TKD since you're already used to a form of striking, so it might be easier to get back into that first. But there's also the argument that you have some striking down so it would make more sense to learn throws/grappling quickly in case you need it soon. I give it 50/50 each argument.
Random question and advice needed on this but I haven't started my TKD training just yet saving a little money at the moment. I have always had a fascination for TKD and Judo for a long time. I'm pretty confident those are the two arts I want to study for my longtime martial arts journey. Do you guys think I should do Judo first then start my TKD journey after I reach first dan in Judo or should I do it the other way around like I was planning? Need opinions. Thanks guys!
Pick whichever you'd consider your "primary" art and start with that one. Either way will work, and each has its advantages.
I'm on a budget right now and Judo is generally a cheaper martial art to train comparing to TKD. Where I live there is a TKD school about 2 miles from me and a Judo/ Japanese Jujitsu school about 2.5 miles. If I were to really choose I would go with TKD first but since I'm on a budget its starting to lean me more towards my Judo journey first. Either way I'm doing both Journeys eventually, and concurrently later down the road in a few years.
I'm on a budget right now and Judo is generally a cheaper martial art to train comparing to TKD. Where I live there is a TKD school about 2 miles from me and a Judo/ Japanese Jujitsu school about 2.5 miles. If I were to really choose I would go with TKD first but since I'm on a budget its starting to lean me more towards my Judo journey first. Either way I'm doing both Journeys eventually, and concurrently later down the road in a few years.
If the preference is a mild one, then start with what lets you start sooner. If you've found good schools (for you), either will be a blast. Judo is one of the arts I'd consider if I were going back to train in something as a student. It was my first serious art, and I miss it.
If the preference is a mild one, then start with what lets you start sooner. If you've found good schools (for you), either will be a blast. Judo is one of the arts I'd consider if I were going back to train in something as a student. It was my first serious art, and I miss it.
Yes Judo looks awesome! Judo combined with TKD and boxing looks like a badass combo.
If the preference is a mild one, then start with what lets you start sooner.

Sounds good.

However another consideration might be which one will serve you better BmillerWarrior, while you place the other on hold. What are you looking for in either of the types of MA you think you want to learn?
I think I'm going to go with TKD. My girlfriend wants to do it with me and earn a black belt and to do it as a bonding experience as well. I don't really see her doing Judo. I'll add Judo in later down the road while I'm earning my dans in Taekwondo. Judo will be my own little add on later. My goals are to earn my dans in both arts.
I think I'm going to go with TKD. My girlfriend wants to do it with me and earn a black belt and to do it as a bonding experience as well. I don't really see her doing Judo. I'll add Judo in later down the road while I'm earning my dans in Taekwondo. Judo will be my own little add on later. My goals are to earn my dans in both arts.

Sounds like a good idea. I wish you both good luck and fun training.
Kenpo karate would work for taekwodo practioners because it applies hand movies and you can used take downs too and also you can work with weapons such as knife guns club technique and such

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