Which arts compliment a Judo base?

In your personal opinion which arts compliment or blend very well with someone who has a solid base in Judo? I have just started my Judo journey and would like ideas for later down the road on an art that would compliment or blend beautifully with my Judo base. I don't plan to start an art until I at least reach blackbelt in Judo but will always continue to train judo beyond first dan.
I'm trying to get other peoples opinions. It blows my mind that I keep getting the same old farts responding to my postings. I'm looking for a variety of opinions here.
I'm trying to get other peoples opinions. It blows my mind that I keep getting the same old farts responding to my postings. I'm looking for a variety of opinions here.
Well, you keep posting the same question to the same forum, what do you expect? If you want more opinions, post on martialartsplanet, bullshido, r/martialarts, etc. On just one site, the same people are the ones who are going to be interested in answering a question about new people.

As a side note, what makes you think we're all old farts? Based on your stated age, I'm younger than you and so are a decent number other people on here. A decent number are also twice your age...
I'm trying to get other peoples opinions. It blows my mind that I keep getting the same old farts responding to my postings. I'm looking for a variety of opinions here.
Everyone sees every thread posted if people don't want to reply on one they won't reply on others. Also if you're not starting anything until black belt why are you even asking now just get on with it. Btw insulting people on here isn't a good way to go
I'm trying to get other peoples opinions.
Then why do you keep asking the same question in the same place?

It blows my mind that I keep getting the same old farts responding to my postings.
Well, I probably am old compared to you. I'm not so old compared to others here. Not sure, but it's sounding like most everyone is old compared to you. People used to call that "experience" and it meant something to people who had less of it.

I'm looking for a variety of opinions here.
If you are not satisfied with the variety maybe you should go ask different people in a different place.

What's that old definition of insanity?
If you old farts have the time to let me know that I have asked the same questions before then why can't you just answer the same question with the same answers you have answered before?
If you old farts have the time to let me know that I have asked the same questions before then why can't you just answer the same question with the same answers you have answered before?
Because it irritates people to answer the same question for the same people time and time again. It's why FAQ lists exist.
if you have a judo "base" then maybe the best art would be judo. cause that base and foundation would later be useful for throws. it would be hard to throw people if your standing like a ballerina. ballerina's do have good leg strength. you can get a lot of leg strength from running so maybe running is good. but it gets cold out and i dont like to run outside in the cold rain. maybe i need a tread mill. a treadmill will only fit in the front room but i could put one in a garage if i had a garage. yes yes thats the answer build a garage.:D i wish i had some bacon right now.
Insanity is doing the same thing multiple times and expecting different results. You have posted on the same forum multiple times and are expecting different people to answer. I'll let you draw your own conclusions from there.
I'm trying to get other peoples opinions. It blows my mind that I keep getting the same old farts responding to my postings. I'm looking for a variety of opinions here.
You're asking on the same site. The folks who are active will be the ones who respond. Starting new threads won't likely get you much in the way of different answers.
If you old farts have the time to let me know that I have asked the same questions before then why can't you just answer the same question with the same answers you have answered before?
Why bother. If you didn't listen first time you won't the second time either
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Bjj or Sambo as the best compliment to Judo?
Both. Neither. You're over thinking this. Just do Judo for a couple of years. After you get a decent base, then worry about a similar grappling art such as Sambo, BJJ, CaCC, or whatever.

Or start with Sambo, or BJJ, or CaCC, or whatever. Stick with that for a couple of years then go add Judo or something else.

Just start training.

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