Where is everyone from?

If it makes you feel any better, Lisa, winter has finally found us here in central Ahiya and we've had snow all night and are currently freezing our, um, pictures off too! :wink1: I know it's not on the same order of magnitude as Winnepeg, but given how mild it's been up to this point, we're so unprepared for real winter psychologically that we're probably unhappier than anyone in the True North Strong and Free is... (except maybe the Vancouverites. They were really slammed earlier this winter and maybe still are, and as you know, they're less prepared for what the rest of us call winter than anyone else on the planet, except maybe people in Hawaii... :D)

LOL, Exile!

Well I have to admit it is mild today and pretty nice for our regular standards. The deep freeze seems to have moved off, at least for a little while. :)
I was born in Chicago, IL. Lived in various areas of the city until I was 13 and we moved to "the suburbs". Lived in "the suburbs" until age 32 when I moved with my husband and children to North Carolina. Lived there for 5 years, then crossed the state line into Tennessee. (It was only 13 mile move but put us in another state). Lived there for 5 years, and now I'm back in the Chicago burbs.
Born and raised outside of Hartford, CT... moved to DE as a Sophmore in High School... lived in Philadelphia, PA for a few months... then back to DE for almost 15-years now...

But, I'm thinking strongly of heading on...

EXILE >> I spent just about every Summer growing up in Upper Arlington... and almost never missed an Ohio State Fair... anyone remember Elsie the cow? :ultracool

Your Brother in the arts,

I'm from dinky Washburn, Maine. Grand total of 600 people if you count all the farms as well as in town. 1 store, 2 gas stations, 1 barber, no bars, 6 churches.

Yeah, that's about as different from where I live as it gets. I live in Superior, Wisconsin. It's a port town with sailors and bars on every corner. In fact, we have more pubs in this town (per capita) then just about anywhere.

We have a few churches, but people only go to those on Sundays...
I was born and raised in NJ. I lived in "red-neck" -ville most of my life. Didn't mind it, but I always hung out elsewhere in near by towns.

Now I live in upstate NY (5 years now). Small town where everyone knows everyone. Summers are nice here. Not too hot like in NJ. But I hated the winters the first 4 years (NOT a winter person). But I started snowboarding, so it's not so bad now (I get out of the house in the winter LOL).