You Tube...good or bad?


I vote good. Everyone knows YouTube, its a great site and I love it personally. Apparently the Miami PD also loves it. I was watching Bill O'Riley last night and saw where two people post a video on YouTube sporting all kids of guns many of I believe were illegal. The Miami PD saw the video and later arrested the two people.

I felt this post worthy because I was laughing so hard last night at Bill because he was cracking up while talking about it.

Just goes to show we have some smart people in this country :roflmao:


EDIT: Im having a little trouble locating the video, but as soon as I find it I will post it.
Youtube has helped open up the internet for video viewing in many way's.
It has also allowed people to see martial arts from around the world that they might never have seen otherwise.

I think everyone knows that I like YouTube!
Youtube is great, as long as you ignore the comments on many videos, which make you wonder about the intellegence level of it's users ;)

The best thing about youtube though, IMO, is the API, which allows you to integrate the site into your own. Not just embedding videos, but pretty much everything :)
Good and bad. There is much sharing now - it's a great avenue for amateur filmmakers and video bloggers, it can be educational or inspirational, historical footage can now be viewed worldwide. It's a great thing when you look at stuff like that.

What I don't like to see are the stupid challenges of people doing stupid and potentially harmful or deadly things, reactions to disgusting video, and the disregard to privacy we all must endure (the natural side-effect to having such a medium available).

Good and bad. There is much sharing now - it's a great avenue for amateur filmmakers and video bloggers, it can be educational or inspirational, historical footage can now be viewed worldwide. It's a great thing when you look at stuff like that.

What I don't like to see are the stupid challenges of people doing stupid and potentially harmful or deadly things, reactions to disgusting video, and the disregard to privacy we all must endure (the natural side-effect to having such a medium available).


I have to agree with you, there is a lot of good there but then we have those idiots and well that is all I can say.
What I don't like to see are the stupid challenges of people doing stupid and potentially harmful or deadly things, reactions to disgusting video, and the disregard to privacy we all must endure (the natural side-effect to having such a medium available).


I have to agree and the video i mentioned falls under this category

There are a lot of good videos out there ... a lot of bad ones it's a balance. I should've book marked this one for later posting but a chinese couple is suing a subway system (forget where ... which is why I should bookmark these things), because a surveillance video caught them kissing and it got posted on You Tube with some embarrassing remarks/comments about them. So that's the bad about it because folks won't respect the privacy of others.
It is good because a lot of things that we probably would have only heard about but never seen get posted and we get to see them (and judge) for ourselves.

I concur with Brian that a lot of exposure to the Martial Arts and it's numerous styles get on there. But it does make it difficult for the unknowing (of which there are many) to be sure what they're watching is the GOOD of the style and not some quasi-psudeo version of it. It's up to the knowledgeable (of which there are few) to make sure that (their) true respective art gets shown so people can make informative choices.
I think that it is good because there are so many martial arts forms/kata videos on there and you can preview a lot of videos on there before buying them on another site (turtle press has an account on there if I am not mistaken). As matter of fact, if was through martial arts that I found youtube to begin with. However, there is a lot of bad on youtube. That just comes with the territory. Anytime something is openly available to the public there are always going to be nutjobs and ne'er do wells who take advantage of it. You know, maybe Bob should create a video section on MT for us to post our own martial arts-related videos. I haven't explored all of the site yet, so please forgive me if there already is one and I haven't found it.
You know, maybe Bob should create a video section on MT for us to post our own martial arts-related videos. I haven't explored all of the site yet, so please forgive me if there already is one and I haven't found it.

That section is called "Members In Motion." Enjoy.

Would that I had known earlier...

There was a YouTube vid of The Left Banque performing 'Just Walk Away, Renee' at a free open-air concert in Central Park... no version has ever been as good as their original, and there was something incredibly poignant about the video, you could feel that happy optimism of the time and place, when those of us who were young then regarded the world as filled with infinite possibility... anyway, the ogres who own the rights to that song (and presumably charge enough that iTunes won't pay for the original, so all you have are third- and fourth-rate covers) appear to have been successful is forcing YT to drop the vid, and I didn't realize I could download it in those days. Nowadays, if I see a vid I like, I download it instantly, because you never know whether it's going to be there next time you look.

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