suggestion advice or opinion?


Yellow Belt
man my summer sux, i have no money to go in a tkd school that i wanna go to so i can keep educating and learning the arts, with that said i cant do wat im most passionate about, plus i wanted to do a summer proyect wich sadly i cant afford( i wanted to build my personal dojo in my backyard so i can also train myself just because i cant find a space were im calm enough to train) and im stuck in my house doing nothing this completly sux, my parents r busy most of the time and i just wish i could do wat i love.... any suggestion?, opinions or advice?
I don't intend to mean anything derogatory or insulting to you, goof but I think that you may get better responses to your posts if you made use of the more usually accepted punctuation and grammar of English.

Textese (aka L33t) and it's 'flat text' offshoots may be fine for mobile phone chats between teenagers but many will not read a post that makes no use of capitalisation, appropriate punctuation or paragraphing.

Trust me, if you grew up writing 'properly' then a post like the OP is almost unintelligible :o.

EDIT: For good advice that relates to your question, kacey beat me to it whilst I was mid-thought :D.
Talk to your instructor - perhaps you can do some work around the dojang in exchange for reduced/free tuition. It may not work - but if you don't ask, you won't know.

For the longer term - get a job. While many of them may be filled this relatively late in the summer, you should still be able to find one if you look around. Mow grass and do other yard work if you can't find anything else; a friend of mine started off mowing lawns in middle school, and sold his business for enough to go to college right before he left, so the potential is definitely there.
sorry about my spelling im not very good at it, im still learning how to right it, anyways i have tried getting a job ive applied for more than 20 jobs no luck i moved to this small town in NC close to winston salem and i am having no luck with jobs, plus i got no instructor yet =(
Keep at it, good sir. Also, your spelling is not the worst to be seen; it's more the lack of 'structure' that makes it hard to read. The fact that you're addressing it is a very good sign :tup:.

As to finances, at one point in my life I was not in full time employment for quite a while. It gets depressing but what I found to be the key was not only to not give up trying but also to labour towards moulding my skills and qualifications to what the market had to offer.

Once you have an income that has a known regularity you can begin to plan for everything else you want to do.

Of course, there is the age old proviso that to have a job to get the money you need to do the things you want, you have to trade in the time you could be doing what you want to do the job to earn the money :D. Catch 22 :(.
yeah i know but, i just turned 17 a couple of mnths ago and the prob is i still live with my parents and to them its not very impotant to take to places were i can try they are mosly busy wich sux so basically im screwed until i get out if here
sorry about my spelling im not very good at it, im still learning how to right it, anyways i have tried getting a job ive applied for more than 20 jobs no luck i moved to this small town in NC close to winston salem and i am having no luck with jobs, plus i got no instructor yet =(
First -- to stay on the language topic, I'm going to recommend a very good, inexpensive book to you. (You can probably even get your parents to buy it for you, since it's "for school.") It's typically less than $10. The title is The Elements of Style, by Strunk and White. You'll find it's very readable, very easy to apply to your writing, and it'll improve your writing (and probably your grades) with only a little effort.

With regard to training -- is there a school you want to train at? Can you get to it? If so, approach the instructor, POLITELY and dressed neatly, and explain how much you'd like to train, but your finances are a problem, and you'd like to discuss alternate ways to pay, such as working at the school, cleaning up or distributing fliers. You're not asking for free classes; your asking to earn them by working for him.

You might also check the parks and recreation department in your area; many offer various summer programs for kids that are often inexpensive or free, and may even provide "scholarships" for those in need.
yeah i know but, i just turned 17 a couple of mnths ago and the prob is i still live with my parents and to them its not very impotant to take to places were i can try they are mosly busy wich sux so basically im screwed until i get out if here
I suspect you may find a solution to the transportation problem HERE.

Fair warning: I'm about to come down on you a bit.

You're 17. In less than 12 months, you'll be considered an adult. In less time than that, you'll be able to make decisions that may shape the rest of your life, like enlisting. It's time to stop looking for mommy and daddy to solve your problems, and to start finding solutions on your own. Coming here and asking for advice and guidance was a good first step. But you need to keep going. Are you being realistic in where you're applying for work? (I've seen convicted felons apply to police departments, knowing full well that they wouldn't be hired, but "they were applying for work.") Are you being realistic about your availability to an employer? It doesn't help them much if you want a job, but can only work on Tuesdays, between 3:00 PM and 4:18 PM... I'm sure there are landscaping or laborer jobs available; it's not glamourous, it's hard, hot, sweaty work... but you can learn a lot about the world "at the business end of hoe."
yes there is a school i want to train at and i cant afford it thank you very much for the advice and just in to mention i am a 4.0 student......................... not really but i have good grades(90s mostly) except in math i find it really hard, anyways thanks again
i know what u mean, i try but my parents dont let me get my license yet (they are over protective) and well i am very realistic towards looking for a job, one of the things that i always mention is that i am available at anytime after school tough
yes there is a school i want to train at and i cant afford it thank you very much for the advice and just in to mention i am a 4.0 student......................... not really but i have good grades(90s mostly) except in math i find it really hard, anyways thanks again

i know what u mean, i try but my parents dont let me get my license yet (they are over protective) and well i am very realistic towards looking for a job, one of the things that i always mention is that i am available at anytime after school tough

The lack of a driver's license may also be impeding you a bit in getting a job; some employers are going to question whether you can get to work or not reliably. But keep trying... You might also check whether there are city programs; I know DC and Richmond both have programs for city residents in their teens. After all -- if you're working, you ain't out there joining gangs, selling drugs, and otherwise getting in trouble. (Some of the dumbest things I ever did as a kid were a simple result of several boys, and too much unoccupied time...)
First -- to stay on the language topic, I'm going to recommend a very good, inexpensive book to you. (You can probably even get your parents to buy it for you, since it's "for school.") It's typically less than $10. The title is The Elements of Style, by Strunk and White. You'll find it's very readable, very easy to apply to your writing, and it'll improve your writing (and probably your grades) with only a little effort.

With regard to training -- is there a school you want to train at? Can you get to it? If so, approach the instructor, POLITELY and dressed neatly, and explain how much you'd like to train, but your finances are a problem, and you'd like to discuss alternate ways to pay, such as working at the school, cleaning up or distributing fliers. You're not asking for free classes; your asking to earn them by working for him.

You might also check the parks and recreation department in your area; many offer various summer programs for kids that are often inexpensive or free, and may even provide "scholarships" for those in need.

This is great advice. I would also add to it that their are job opportunities out there if you look for them. From working for someone else to becoming and entrepreuner and maybe starting up your own lawn service. Without a car you could start with local lawns. (that you can walk to) In other words get busy, get out there and get looking!
I don't know how it is there, but look for employment along the bus routes..Many employers up here will include " On bus line " in their want ads in order to attract more potential employees...
Strunk and White is a great book. Less then 100 pages of tips that make you seem like you know what you are doing. My first tip would be: use the shift key. It makes capital letters at the beginning of sentences.

If you can't find paying job, at least get out of the house and do something. Volunteer, take up a hobby, or go the dojong that is close but not perfect. One of the greatest cures for self-pity is accomplishing anything.

Good luck
That is true, Mr G. After my long convalescence after my bike accident destroyed my little retail business I was at a loss as to what to do. So I started volunteering at local museums, purely out of my interest in material culture and history. After two years of that I was studying for my Masters and had a new career almost by accident :D.

Okay, in the end the low renumeration problem drove me to seek other avenues to earn a crust but it just goes to show that you should never under-estimate the effects simply choosing a course and going with it can have.

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