where are you from?

In sequence... Illinois, North Carolina, Florida, Wisconsin, Massachussetts, Tennessee, Texas, and Colorado (where I've been for 22 years).

Interesting Kacey. My sequence is Illinois, North Carolina, Tennessee, Illinois.
Following Kacey's lead: Huntington, W.Va., Charleston, S.C., Beckley, W.Va., Memphis (suburb of, actually), Tn., and now about 2 hours outside of D.C. in Charles Town, W.Va.
Washinton DC, Lake Charles Louisiana, Laurel Maryland, Lewisburg WVa, St. Helens Oregon, Enfield NH, White River Juntion VT.
And then there was the military.
well i guess i'll give my history as well.
whitesville WVA,hiltonhead SC,back to whitesvilles WVA,lakewood OH,remington VA and the sounding areas,minneapolis MN,back to remington VA,fredericksburg VA,and finally back to remington VA.
i can't seem to stay out of remington for to long for some reason.