Nearly everything you've stated has been refuted by scholarly research. Again, I must point to the two sources I posted above. Most of what you parrot is based on myths that have been propagated about the Progressive Era and the supposed problems with "free market capitalism". For example, did you know that
Upton Sinclair's book, The Jungle, is fiction? Yet, this book is portrayed as an example of muckraking journalism to millions of High School students.
Now, on to the meat of what you are saying...
History does not show this. History shows that civilizations rise and fall. Civilizations start with very little restrictions on human actions and they grow incredibly prosperous. Then, an entrenched oligarchy develops and they use the power of the State to protect and expand their position. As the level of central control increases, the level of productive capacity in the society decreases. Eventually, a tipping point is reached and the power structure crumbles. This happens because the parasites kill the Golden Goose of the Free Market. If there ever is a balance between public and private control, it is a transitory moment in time on an arch of ever increasing control.
The Founding Fathers of the United States realized this pattern in history and attempted to institute a system that would limit this progression by limiting government. Unfortunately, America's experiment with limited government failed.
Again, you miss the idea of scale. No corporation ever had a Gestapo. No corporation ever created a Stasi. No robber baron ever created the NKVD. This doesn't excuse the things that did happen. It simply points out that the effects were limited to local areas. So, when it comes to corruption, governments are far worse than the free market. The free market actually limits corruption by limiting the scope of resources that can be poured into corruption.
Also, I think you better study up on some of those incidents. You'd be surprised at how much influence the Robber Barons exerted on government to get people to look the other way or to actually use government employees to do their dirty work.
Yes, you can find examples of people in the Free Market behaving poorly, but again it's matter of scale. For example, none of these horrible things even come close to causing the amount of human suffering that the first World War caused. This is because the Free Market limits the amount of resources that can be gobbled up and shoveled toward policies that cause human suffering. I bring up the WWI as a counter example because this is occurring in the middle of the Progressive Era, an era with a mythological story that claims that government had to limit human freedom in order to limit human suffering. At the same time, the the very government who are claiming that they can limit human suffering are causing it on scale that the world has never seen before at any point in history. That contradiction drives a stake through the heart of the propaganda you were fed in government school.
The Free Market has a check and balance system. It's called competition. Governments form monopolies. There is no competition and this is why they get out of control and fail. This is why all government programs degrade and all services provided soley by the Free Market get better.