If I have purchased marijuana at a higher price then I have PCP then that's is not a personal opinion that's a fact.
You can't wrap your head around the basics, I'm not even going to attempt to teach you anything about economics. And here again, you prove that you simply can not reason outside of your own limited little world. It's all about you and your persceptions, facts be damned. (You know, those little tid bits of info I keep posting from other sources that you continue to ignore)
I have an actual working knowledge of the topic and have been deemed an expert in many drug related topics by courts so my personal opinion in the courts view hold more weight then some cool little factoid you found on the internet
We could already tell you were part of the problem and not the solution. But thanks for confirming that it's on a grand scale. You obviously are the be-all-end-all expert on the subject, right? And know more than the experts that make up the Global Commission on Drug Policy, Harvard University, The National Research Council Committee on the Data and Research for Policy on Illegal Drugs, over 500 Economist including nobel prize winner Milton Friedmen, as well as data supplied by the FBI, the US Defense Department, and any other number of government and privately funded think tanks and data collection agencies ad nauseum... Yeah, I'll defer to you on this subject and not them. ROFLMAO... you really have a seriously inflated view of yourself.
Also thank you for the English lesson I didn't know my thoughts on a martial arts forum were being graded I will try harder to pass your test next time.
That's the spirit! Never give up! Never surrender! :-D
Everything we do in law enforcement has the goal to diminish that activity.
You've failed. Use has increased... a lot. So now what? More of the same? The gasoline isn't doing much to put out the fire. Perhaps you should try something different? Don't suppose that ever occured to you?
We have aggressive driving campaigns, DUI tatgeted enforcement speed enforcement and guess what we still have all thoea things so should we just give up on police work in general?
There's another part of the flaw in your thinking; policing isn't always the right answer to a problem. Data shows, and it has also been proven, that a healthcare apporach, that treatment is much more effective at diminishing drug use than policing. Therefore, if your true goal were really to reduce drug use in this country, then you'd support that approach. But it seems your agenda has nothing to do with actually reducing drug use based on your posts so far.
There is no way to tell how successful the war on drug is because we don't know what the numbers would have been without it how high the drug use number would be. I'll just keep plugging along doing my job until they change the laws and I'm happy knowing some of the very bad people I've put away for a very long time so in my little part of the drug war my war I'm winning.
All those non-violent offenders... glad you're spending valuable resources putting them away. And the rapist, murderers, child molesters, etc. are also glad you're not wasting time on them.
Yeah, you're winning all right... and so is society as drug use continues to escalate, as innocent people are killed as collateral damage in your little war. Yup... big win there.