Good luck coming to a common standatd on THAT.
I've already shared what I believe are some of the considerations, but everyone was swirling around at the time and I think the post was largely glossed over.
We have a couple of easy standards that "society" has agreed to in both tobacco and alcohol. We've seen the effects that prohibition had both when ratified and also when repealed. And we have a pretty good idea how addictive and destructive various drugs are. In my opinion, if we're speaking from a strictly practical position, it's easy to determine which recreational drugs are legitimately too dangerous and which aren't.
For what it's worth, I think weed is less harmful in every way than alcohol.
So, to be clear. That's the legalization discussion, and now I'd like to address the other discussion, which is the dangers to our society that illicit drug use represents. If we're talking about the "war on drugs" I personally believe that it's in our best interest to get the somewhat innocuous drugs, like weed, out of the picture. We've got a huge problem in the illicit use of prescription medications, which are legal but are abused at an alarming (to me, at least) rate. THAT is problem number one, in my book: legal drugs being abused.
I understand the dangers of meth, heroin, crack and whatever else. But, I mentioned the low hanging fruit. We have 4 times as many people abusing prescription meds than we have using all of the other illegal drugs combined.
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