When I woke up this morning...

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
I woke up to the same America that was here when I went to bed. The sun still rises, I still have coffee and a bowl of Shredded Wheat, nothing has changed.

We elected a president yesterday, using the system we've used since the time of our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on up the line. We voted, we counted the votes, we allocated the electoral college votes, and we chose a president. This is our system, and no matter how many warts it has upon it; no matter how many repairs it is in need of, it still works. Had Romney won, there would have been an orderly transition of power.

There are no troops in the street, there is no rioting, nor civil unrest. No buildings are burning, no politicians being attacked physically. We have hurled words at each other, but very few fists.

Despite any attempts to predict the future, we do not know what the next four years will hold for us, for the nation, or for the rest of the world as a result of this election. Some things may be more safely assumed than others, but nothing is carved in stone; the future remains unwritten.

I looked outside when I woke up this morning, and yeah, this is still America. Good, bad, strange, sick, healthy, collective, individual, hating, loving, black, white, brown and all other colors, it's still America and still my country, and I am proud to be a citizen of the USA.

And now, it is time to go to work and stop talking about politics.

Everybody have a good day!
I heard Mitt disappeared into a pile of clothing after the concession speech. #rapture