
Some do, especially if there is profit, power, or fame to be realized when espousing the opinion. A gun shop near me decried the country, and the state of New Hampshire, for voting for Obama. Because, everyone knows that dissing the person you are trying to convince is an effective persuasion tactic :rolleyes: They have allegedly nearly doubled their prices on ammo, expecting another run on guns and ammo as there was in 2008.

My fearless prediction: I expect that if I go to "my" shop this weekend, the old Vietnam vet who runs the place will sell me my practice ammo for the same price he did before the election, and if I ask him about the election, he'll grumble about how all politicians as "crooks and liars" and then proceed to talk my ear off about something else for 30 minutes. As he always does. :)
I predict within the next 4 hours bilcihak will post another baseless politically charge anti-democrat/Obama rant

It is so fun now to watch Rachael, Ed Show, John
Stewart condense and play all the Republican rants now like hurt animals bitingtheir tails. Karl Rove saying Obama suppressed the vote???? A head Republicanin the party saying we lost because we are racist judging Obama not on hischaracter or his performance but purely on the color of his skin? On and On Ilove it. Bainer and his crowd are going over the cliff let the tax incentivesall expire we can all take it but Oriely and the billionaires are going to diefo the vapors.

25 of 33 Senate races went to Democrats, Obama won the popular vote and theelectoral by a land slide and all they can do is lie lie lie about the reasonof course many have to they took so much money and many in the house have tocontinue this obstructionist fight regardless of the pain to ordinary peoplebecause they owe their sole to the PACS and billionaires. The GOP has operatedon the theory that if you tell a lie enough times it becomes truth or if youjust say it louder.

We have won and proved that massive money could not buy the presidency. KarlRove you fat Bovine Pontificating Piece of Crap to quote MSNBC or the shortversion Turd Blossom is now so desperate he is trying to blame an Act of Godfor the loss?

Boner and Mitch the Goat would not talk to President Obama and said they wereasleep and oh by the way Obama is not going to enact the Romney tax plan youlost you lost you lost shut down the government if we have to but bring revenueback to Clinton era surplus and job growth of 21 million jobs.

Oh and please make Ann Coulter a greeter at Wal-Mart Amen
