
You really are a very confusing man when it comes to the silly game of partisan politics, Mr.C.

It befuddles me why any of us continue to try to talk to you on this topic because you have no interest in a real conversation I fear. I think it is because, for my part, experience has shown that if I engage sincerely in a talk about the subject, there is usually common ground and understanding to be found. But you do not make it easy, good sir, because you do not concede that anyone but yourself or your hyper-biased 'Gods of the Internet' has anything to say that you want to hear or repeat.

Happily, the "Republican's Are Saints" advertising campaign failed; not surprising really when you consider how little connection it all to often made with the real world of politics and economics, or even plain, simple, truthfulness. However, when it comes to predictions, the course for the economy is written and there is not all that much between even the published aims of America's two major parties when it comes to trying to 'steer' it. So it is pointless to try and say how one party is a saviour and the other a devil. There will be some differences between how policies are implemented but the fundamental realities mean that, unless you are going to condemn a sizeable proportion of your population to poverty, the tools that can be used are pretty limited and will be used by whosoever is in government.
Well, when I plan my vacation to the Islas Malvinas I will remember your post Sukerkin. I'm sure Argentina will enjoy having them back...this is another prediction, we'll see how accurate it is...
I'm not saying that you are wrong that the Argentine government will keep on trying to do that but please explain how that is connected to the matter in hand? You took a step to the other side of the mirror there and I lost you :confused:.

Don't make me post Septic Peg again ... I'm not afraid to do it but there is only so much Brian Conley I can take :D
I happen to agree with you. I did say "...they must be done as carefully as possible to avoid destroying a fragile and sagging economic recovery..." I used the term 'bloodletting' appropriately; I did not say wholesale slaughter. Bloodletting was done back in the day to 'cure' patients by draining a little blood out of them, hence the term.
If I'm consistently misreading your posts, my sincere apologies.
I believe this is the part where you say "F* you, Bill." Go on, you can do it.

You hit a button that day, for sure. Veterans benefits, their welfare and the deplorable way we're treating our disabled soldiers is definitely one of them. :)

Regarding your post, it seems a little over the top to me to predict our doom. The economy is growing, and if we can stop spending a fortune on waging war, we will be in much better shape. Taxes are going up, and spending will go down, just not as dramatically as some might hope. Spending for many government agencies has been pretty much frozen at 2010 budget levels, government employees are on a pay freeze and a hiring freeze, all the while our baby boomers are retiring. All the while we're funding wars and spending more and more to meet the growing needs of a generation in which we will have far more disabled vets then ever before, after all is said and done.
Just so I understand, government spending is going to go up now that Obama is elected to his second term, even though 3 of the last 4 years in his last term it went down?

I watched Fox news a bit friday and it made me pretty depressed. The amount of bias and half truths was pretty amazing. If I depended upon getting my news from Fox or similiar places, I'd feel like the world was ending too. The good news is the world isn't ending and President Obama is not a socialist, Muslim terrorist, antichrist.
:lfao::lfao: What world are you living on...obama was given a blank check with this election and he just made copies of it and passed it around to his buddies. We are going over the cliff, that was all part of the plan, raising taxes and raising spending is the last step before the plunge. I hope you guys enjoy voted for it...

He's got no traction in Congress. A GOP-controlled House, and a Democratic-controlled Senate, plus a conservative Supreme Court. He has no blank checks.
Regarding your post, it seems a little over the top to me to predict our doom. The economy is growing, and if we can stop spending a fortune on waging war, we will be in much better shape.

The economy is growing a tiny bit, and it is very fragile.

Taxes are going up, and spending will go down, just not as dramatically as some might hope.

If the Bush tax cuts expire and are not replaced by some form of modified tax that keeps the tax cuts in place for the lower and some middle classes but allows them to expire on the rich, then the economy will go off a cliff (my prediction). I can't take a $5,000 whack in additional taxes, period. It's all over for me at that point, and it will be the same for many others.

And Boehner is stating that he's not interested in working with Obama to modify the tax cuts if they keep place higher taxes on the richest 2 percent. So that means the Bush tax cuts expire and we do go in the toilet.

Spending for many government agencies has been pretty much frozen at 2010 budget levels, government employees are on a pay freeze and a hiring freeze, all the while our baby boomers are retiring. All the while we're funding wars and spending more and more to meet the growing needs of a generation in which we will have far more disabled vets then ever before, after all is said and done.

You are pointing out how our spending on benefits is increasing (vets, retiring citizens, etc). This is another reason I say we're doomed unless taxes go UP and costs go DOWN. Some of both are necessary. They must happen. If they do not, we are doomed.

And as you seem to be agreeing, the right is not going to let taxes go up on the rich alone, and the left is not going to allow benefits to be cut, so yep, doomed.

If we stopped all spending on wars right now, it would not be enough to make the difference. So that's just not a valid argument; even if it could happen, which we all know it will not.
So...the sky really is falling?

I can't believe people keep making these doomsday predictions straight-faced. They're always wrong.
Oh, GLEN BECK! That's funny!!!

c'mon everyone, Romney was just run as a space filler because the Republicans knew they needed to put a warm body up for the position for the sake of image, even tho they knew they had NOBODY who was a credible candidate. Nobody was stupid enough to believe Romney might actually win.

Even kitten-eating Ann Coulter predicted in 2011 that the GOP would nominate Romney and that he would lose.

:lfao::lfao: What world are you living on...obama was given a blank check with this election and he just made copies of it and passed it around to his buddies. We are going over the cliff, that was all part of the plan, raising taxes and raising spending is the last step before the plunge. I hope you guys enjoy voted for it...

Someday I hope gloom'n'doom partyists pull their head out of ... the sand ... so they can see the big blue marble we're riding.

Facts that matter but no one pays attention to - just a scant few, now ...

  • White collar criminals have not truly paid for their crimes. People are out pensions, savings, careers all for the abject greed of the few .... They get away with it time and again and This. Must. End.

  • Richer Americans don't have to report certain types of income as ... income ... when Juanita must report the $2.17 interest she earned on her interest checking. Income is income. Why don't we tax it all?

  • Just over half of those Americans on food stamps and welfare ... are children. Most of them are children who have noncustodial parents who are not paying child support. If single parents whose co-parents can't earn enough to pay their own bills independently, they have little choice but to forgo all employment and earnings and go on assistance.

  • The recipients of our most expensive buffet of benefits are ... our legislators. 1-to-3 Adult to child ratios for childcare, children can attend almost wherever they choose, and their healthcare is free. FREE. And it covers more than any other type of policy. Like ... treatments for autism and pre-existing conditions.

  • Our legislators can own stock in companies who are affected by the bills and policies they write, argue for and vote on.

  • The voting public continues to be robbed of viable presidential candidates that are NOT members of the Democratic party nor the Republican party. Campaign funding needs to be revamped and each candidate should have equal access and exposure during campaign season. This should be federal law.

... as I said, just a scant few ... and all domestic issues ....
Here are some predictions from American Thinker...the rest of the column is good as well...

The Meaning of Obama's Election

Regarding the specifics of Obama's reelection, these comments from a perceptive reader, Syrin, are reasonable:
Here's what this means in my opinion:
1) Obamacare will be fully implemented
2) Biggest tax increase in the history of the world will come January
3) Supreme Court will now be fully liberal
4) We will surrender more of our rights to the UN - guns will be removed
5) The end of the US as we ever knew it
That last one is not hyperbole. I still think the election was stolen as I predicted a 5-10 voter fraud margin, and this is indeed the difference, but why would I make that last point? Here's why. The gov't will increase IMMENSELY the next four years. Gov't employees, union members and welfare dependents will be the BIGGEST VOTING FACTION from now until the end of the US society. We turned into England over night and we will never be able to go back. Exit polls showed overwhelming displeasure with Obamacare and they voted for him anyway. We cannot recover from this.

CONSERVATISM AS AN IDEOLOGY IS OVER IN AMERICA ! We are now officially the land of the dependent, jealous and greedy. Punishing success will be codified. No one will go into medicine or any field that takes a lot of time, money sweat and effort to achieve because work and success will no longer be rewarded.
I am serious when I say I will be stunned if the economic collapse doesn't happen in under two years. This isn't just an emotional reaction to a loss. These were my thoughts before we knew the results.
Make your peace with your family and prepare.

and more...

The Fundamentals of Progress

Peace and progress are the children of freedom. The wealth of nations was explained more than two hundred years ago by Adam Smith. Property rights and markets coordinate behavior in a manner that all are made better off by the pursuit of self-interest.
President Obama's view of the world is in contradiction to anything that has ever succeeded. He believes that elites should manage and direct people's lives. This fatal conceit, as Friedrich Hayek referred to it, produces failure and misery wherever it is tried.
Ludwig von Mises pointed out that the progress of the West was achieved on a simple idea:
The essential characteristic of Western civilization that distinguishes it from the arrested and petrified civilizations of the East was and is its concern for freedom from the state.
Civilization advanced and prospered on a foundation of private property, defined rights, free men, free markets, and the Rule of Law. Obama's view is hostile to these pillars of progress despite the lack of evidence of progress for any country that has not adhered to these principles.
There is no evidence of any country which has abandoned these principles ever being able to return to them without major upheaval. Mises observed:
Political ideas that have dominated the public mind for decades cannot be refuted through rational arguments. They must run their course in life and cannot collapse otherwise than in great catastrophe...

A collapse is now inevitable. Spending will not shrink. Deficits will rise. Taxes will rise. Economic activity will fall. The debt death spiral will strangle economic activity, and ultimately the economy will implode. Societies themselves will likely be sucked into the abyss.

Obama had no viable economic plan for the last four years, and he is still without one. There has been no progress economically. Instead, we are $5 trillion worse off, with nothing to show for it. His spending will continue for the next four years. It is all that he knows.
This election accelerated our spiral toward collapse. Higher spending and more Federal Reserve money-creation will not alter the destination. We are now on the superhighway to ruin. The destination is known; only the estimated time of arrival is not.

I predict that within the next four years the Seahawks will win the superbowl. That every person in America will own an electric vehicle, which will finally fly. I predict before 2016, that dogs and cats will finally bury the hatchet and reach an everlasting peace, and that it will be discovered that our world is really just a virtual environment in which we all interact on a network... a... matrix, if you will, living only to feed bio-electric energy to fuel our robotic jailers.

And I predict that more of my predictions will come to pass than billcihak's. We'll see. I did call this election several months ago, as well as every one of our State and local elections. The only one I might be wrong about is our Governor. Looks like Inslee is in the lead, although I said that he would lose if Obama took our State by less than 10 points. Otherwise it would be very, very close. And it is. I still think McKenna could pull it out, but it's going to be a squeaker, either way.
I predict within the next 4 hours bilcihak will post another baseless politically charge anti-democrat/Obama rant

... and support it with a slanted rag.

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I predict that within the next four years the Seahawks will win the superbowl. That every person in America will own an electric vehicle, which will finally fly. I predict before 2016, that dogs and cats will finally bury the hatchet and reach an everlasting peace, and that it will be discovered that our world is really just a virtual environment in which we all interact on a network... a... matrix, if you will, living only to feed bio-electric energy to fuel our robotic jailers.


Gasp. Dogs and cats? Living together?

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Taxes must go down and spending must go down. Any other course will bankrupt the people who make up the country.



You're wrong.