Obama's media helpers at it again...

You need to read my posts better...

During the last four years in Afghanistan alone, under the leadership of Commander in Chief Obama, US forces have experienced significantly more injuries and deaths than under the entire eight years of President George W. Bush in that country. Based on media reports, though, you’d never know it.

But you wouldn't know this from the main stream media.
A report published in 2011 shows that, speaking of the raids on the Taliban in Afghanistan, eight additional people died for every ‘leader’ killed during those raids, and that the definition of the word 'leader' used to justify them was so broad that it carried little real meaning. Apparently only The Guardian, a British newspaper, is interested in reporting that the successes claimed in Afghanistan “may be exaggerated.”
On the other hand, during the Bush years, war casualties, CIA renditions and talk of blood for oil were common topics on the front pages of newspapers around the country. In fact, coverage of war deaths had been so strong up until the election of Obama that even in August of 2007, 54 percent of those surveyed were able to correctly identify the fatality level in Iraq at that time.
It seems that if Obama can keep Afghanistan under wraps and fight most of the war withunmanned drones, he will be able to avoid criticism at home even while leaving large numbers of civilian casualties in his wake and “spur[ring] terrorist recruitment, shirk[ing] judicial oversight, and represent[ing] an abuse of presidential power.”
And the media virtually ignores it all.
The fact that during the Bush years, much of the US military was getting killed and maimed in Iraq instead may have someting to do with it.
CBS held back video of obama refusing to call the attack on the embassy a terrorist attack, just after his rose garden speech, even though he knew it was an organized terrorist attack on the embassy. They held back the footage until now...


In an astonishing display of media malpractice, CBS News quietly released proof--two days before the election, far too late to reach the media and the public--that President Barack Obama lied to the public about the Benghazi attack, as well as about his later claim to have called the attack "terrorism" from the beginning.

CBS unveiled additional footage from its 60 Minutes interview with President Obama, conducted on Sep. 12 immediately after Obama had made his statement about the attacks in the Rose Garden, in which Obama quite clearly refuses to call the Benghazi an act of terror when asked a direct question by reporter Steve Kroft:
KROFT: Mr. President, this morning you went out of your way to avoid the use of the word terrorism in connection with the Libya Attack, do you believe that this was a terrorism attack?

OBAMA: Well it’s too early to tell exactly how this came about, what group was involved, but obviously it was an attack on Americans. And we are going to be working with the Libyan government to make sure that we bring these folks to justice, one way or the other.

CBS News held onto this footage for more than six weeks, failing to release it even when questions were raised during the Second Presidential Debate as to whether Obama had, in fact, referred to the Benghazi attack as an act of terror before blaming it falsely on demonstrations against an anti-Islamic video. The moderator, CNN's Candy Crowley, intervened on Obama's behalf, falsely declaring he had indeed called the attack an act of terror in his Rose Garden statement, and creating the impression that Romney was wrong.

That exchange turned what would have been an outright win for Romney in the debate into a narrow win or possibly a loss--and it discouraged him from bringing up the issue again in the next debate or on the campaign trail. CBS News could have set the record straight, but held onto this footage, releasing it just before the election--perhaps to avoid the later charge of having suppressed it altogether.

There are many questions, and here are a few more.

Why did CBS release a clip that appeared to back up Obama's claim in the second debate on Oct. 19, a few days before the foreign policy debate, and not release the rest of that interview at the beginning?

Why on the Sunday before the election, almost six weeks after the attack, at 6 p.m. does an obscure online timeline posted on CBS.com contain the additional "60 Minutes" interview material from Sept. 12?

Why wasn't it news after the president said what he said in the second debate, knowing what they had in that "60 Minutes" tape -- why didn't they use it then? And why is it taking Fox News to spur other media organizations to take the Benghazi story seriously?

Whatever your politics, there are a lot of loose ends here, a lot of unanswered questions and a lot of strange political maneuvers that don't add up.

Bill I am against all exit polling! and even reporting ontotals before west coast polling places have closed. All voters should go andvote their candidate without influence about oh my vote doesnÂ’t count becauseits over or gee so and so is wining anyway according to exit polls? Also isn'tthere even a % of people who will lie when asked at the exit polls because theydon't want the public to know who they voted for.

However if the 19 states being removed helps Obama at all I am for it becauseit may help to counter all the outrageous actions being taken by RepublicanGovernors and state election officials to restrict voter participation on manylevels.

What I hate now is the total lack of many voters education on the candidatesbeyond pure emotion many being interviewed saying well I was excited and votedfor Obama the first black president but now I don't feel excited I am going tovote for Romney just on a pure need to throw out a vote at random like chummingbate for fish in the hopes you catch something good?


If this degrades into one side feeling they were cheated we will have 4 moreyears of grid lock?

If the race is too close to call without lawsuits and accusations of cheatingby both sides we could see real damage to the country including anotherlowering of our credit and a depression?

Other candidates use their money to jet around the campaign trail, why does Obama use my taxes to jet around?

Because he's the president. And the campaign has to reimburse the govt. for many of the expenses but not, e.g., the Secret Service protection.
Romney and ryan also get Secret Service protection on the tax payer's dime. The president uses AF1 to "jet around" because it has safety options and advanced communications that are important to him as president