When did the truth become a bad thing?

Not to derail the thread...but we really need to get a petition up for that, Carol.

Actually if you are going to call people African whatever, calling Jamacians that is correct, all black Jamaicans are decended from African slaves. The native people of the West Indies were Indians akin to the Incas, Aztecs etc, they were completely wiped out by the white settlers who then brought African slaves in.

Btw I'm not 'thin skinned' in the least, I just like putting people right when they go wrong! Of course the Americans like us Brits, we invented them!

By that line of reasoning, it's ok to call Americans 'English'.
Not sure that they'll agree.
As for the topic of this thread: 'truth' because a difficult topic the second you're presented with the age old question: does my *** look fat in these pants?

There is the 'say it as it is' truth which will make you persona non grat for the rest of the month.
And then there is the diplomatic truth that delivers the same message while at the same time also safeguarding the immediate future.

Both are equally truthfull.
People who pride themselves on 'saying it like it is' are generally just people who take joy in being blunt. Because the same message can be delivered in a different manner without being nasty.
Kierkegaard made his philosophy for a part around the truth.
There is objective truth (water is wet,the sun goes up in the morning)
and subjective truth (I like blue colours).
He postulated that we shouldn't care about subjective truth, as everyone has one and it will never be the same as another persons' subjective truth.

In retrospective: he died alone as a frustrated man. So I don't know how far his philosophy brought him.

I have never asked my current bf this question "does this make me look fat", cause with his since of humor he would say "no your fat makes you look fat". Then the fight would be on:angel:
I have never met a black person who got pissed off at being called black. I think it is super-sensitive white people who are trying to be kind and it ends up just making more trouble than it's worth.
I've never heard of a black person being offended by being called black. I've also never met the hyper PC white person either. All I ever meet are anti-PC people telling stories that they heard from other anti-PC people about hyper PC people that no one's ever really met but must exist somewhere... if that makes sense. :D
What does it say about a people who expect apologies for honesty; who find the truth offensive?

First off, honesty can be a blunt tool. And being honest with your views does not mean the views are right, only that you do not hold back on how you view things.

Tact is important as well as honesty. I could be honest and tell you the zit on your forehead looks like a horn..... But it would be more tactful to just ignore it. That is not being dishonest, just tactful.

As for truth, well like honestly there are ways to speak the truth but not be harsh. For you see, you can be truthful or you can be brutally truthful.

And, of course, one has to agree what is to be considered truth. We can say truthfully that if you throw a ball into the sky it will come back down. We all agree that is a fact. But when we start discussing subjective things, thatÂ’s where truth becomes a bit harder to define.

Take Global Warming as an example. We can all agree pollution is bad as it hurts the eco-system. We can all agree that too much carbon-dioxide is bad. But when we get raw data and it does not fit the idea that the earth is warming, and we fudge it a bit with the idea that it will spur people to conserve and recycle, well the truth gets trampled on to further a lofty goal. You have perverted truth to justify an end.

And by doing that everyone will consider anything you said a lie, even if in reality you were trying to do a good thing.

So one learns to be truthful and tactful. And to stay away from the concept of ‘means justify the end.’

The pendulum is swinging back toward a more conservative society, I think, and less and less people are being cowed into not speaking for fear it may offend someone else.

This speaking out is often times the truth that could be misconstrued as a verbal attack on a person or group by those in the PC mindset.

Hopefully this is changing because silence due to PC'edness is deadly to a society because it becomes a tool for those who know how to apply the right label.

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