So which Brits then? Do we care about superficial appearances, not particularly. Do we care about how people behave, whether they have good manners, do they have hysterics and over react, well yes we do. We like people to be calm, polite and not in your face. We like good manners and politeness and there is a remarkable amount of it still around.
If you mean we like to keep up appearances as in not running around like headless chickens when things go ever so slightly wrong or we don't go shooting our mouths off about things which are personal like religion, our choice of contraception or whether or not we have abortions, you are correct. We keep up appearances when all is going to hell in a hand cart, we try to behave with decorum rather than weeping and wailing everywhere. We will say under the most dreadful conditions 'well it could be worse' because dammit it could be.
No we don't run off to the dentist to have our teeth fixed and whitened so it looks like a graveyard full of shiny tombstones in our mouths everytime we open our mouths. We have our fashions, which are copied in a lot of places, we may complain about our countries (yes countries, we have a few of them) but we also have sheer class. :ultracool
Don't judge us by yourselves, in fact don't judge us at all or any other country for that matter, speak for your own, praise it or damn it up to you but leave the rest of the world out of it. You can't judge a country like Japan, you know, merely from it's television shows.
Cory, I meant making such sweeping statements as the 'west' is meaningless, people should only speak of countries they know and I doubt many Americans have actually been to Georgia (the original one, you know, in Europe).