1. Most people are trying to avoid a "semantical" (Mom...I just used a new word!
) here by trying to agree with simple definitions. You're the one who I am seeing who doesn't want to agree with simple, generally accepted definitions, or even offer an alternate definition (if the agreed upon ones don't suffice) to simple words that pertain to the discussion.
2. On History: You, Upnorth, said, "as Kaith orginally pointed out, the entire sandbox of human sexuality was once accepted in a much different way." Well, I think there is a misconception going on here related to this. There seems to be this false idea going around that everyone was gay (to some degree according to you) and happy, and that lines between hetrosexuality and homosexuality didn't exist before Christianity. A fanciful idea, but with no historical basis that I have seen.
It seems that at different times and in different cultures, homosexuality has been both shunned, tolerated, and accepted to different degrees. These degrees varied depending on the worldview of the culture at the time. There was no time when everyone on the planet was gay "to different degrees" and happy, then along came Jesus-lovers (begin Darth Vader enterance music here) to end all the fun. This is a total misconception with no historical basis behind it.
3. If by saying "artificial line" you mean that in the bedroom, different strokes for different folks, then O.K., I'll agree. If your saying that there are no clear lines between homosexuals (those that prefer the same sex) hetrosexuals (those that prefer the opposite sex) and bisexuals (those that can go "both ways"), then I say "phoey." If that was true, then I could tell the next lesbian that I run into that she should date one of my guy friends because there are no real clear distinction her preference for women over men ya know, and I could also go tell my Mom next time she is having boyfriend trouble to go try dating chicks because there are no clear lines and... uh... "ya never know til ya try it." Hey, while I'm at it, I'll just offer up my rear end the next time one of my guy friends is feelin' randy, cause ya know, its reeely all the same anyhow ('specially in the dark with snorkling gear).
Again...I say phoey to that. Boys have "penises" and girls have "bagina's," and there are clearly those who would only prefer sexual relationships with the opposite sex, those who would only prefer the same sex, and those who could prefer either. I feel like a sex ed teacher. And no, you cannot get a girl pregnant through her belly button....
Any other questions kids? :idunno:

2. On History: You, Upnorth, said, "as Kaith orginally pointed out, the entire sandbox of human sexuality was once accepted in a much different way." Well, I think there is a misconception going on here related to this. There seems to be this false idea going around that everyone was gay (to some degree according to you) and happy, and that lines between hetrosexuality and homosexuality didn't exist before Christianity. A fanciful idea, but with no historical basis that I have seen.
It seems that at different times and in different cultures, homosexuality has been both shunned, tolerated, and accepted to different degrees. These degrees varied depending on the worldview of the culture at the time. There was no time when everyone on the planet was gay "to different degrees" and happy, then along came Jesus-lovers (begin Darth Vader enterance music here) to end all the fun. This is a total misconception with no historical basis behind it.
3. If by saying "artificial line" you mean that in the bedroom, different strokes for different folks, then O.K., I'll agree. If your saying that there are no clear lines between homosexuals (those that prefer the same sex) hetrosexuals (those that prefer the opposite sex) and bisexuals (those that can go "both ways"), then I say "phoey." If that was true, then I could tell the next lesbian that I run into that she should date one of my guy friends because there are no real clear distinction her preference for women over men ya know, and I could also go tell my Mom next time she is having boyfriend trouble to go try dating chicks because there are no clear lines and... uh... "ya never know til ya try it." Hey, while I'm at it, I'll just offer up my rear end the next time one of my guy friends is feelin' randy, cause ya know, its reeely all the same anyhow ('specially in the dark with snorkling gear).
Again...I say phoey to that. Boys have "penises" and girls have "bagina's," and there are clearly those who would only prefer sexual relationships with the opposite sex, those who would only prefer the same sex, and those who could prefer either. I feel like a sex ed teacher. And no, you cannot get a girl pregnant through her belly button....
