Tulisan said:
But the concept is simple. You have to agree on terms to have a basis for a discussion.
If the terms are inadequate to discuss the topic, how can we agree? If you called a dog a cat and I called it something else, we will end up being more confused. Where is Carolus Linnaeus you you need him?
Tulisan said:
We also have to agree on definitions (or 'labels') of terms like "homosexual" and "lifestyle" and so on. These can be defined, as I did above, broadly and agreeably enough to have logical discourse.
Your definitions were in fact very narrow. There are many steps and gradations that need to be taken in to account.
Tulisan said:
What you are doing is what I call "the fox news strategy." I call it this because this is a strategy frequently employed by Fox news personalities. The strategy is to basically cloud the arguement so much that people question their sensabilities, and the original arguement evaporates in thin air. Fox News does this to prevent having to have logical discourse or arguements, when the results of those discussions may not favor their worldview.
Come on now...this is not an attempt to obfuscate, this is an attempt to clarify and to bring to light more detail then has been addressed. In your example you describing a complex position becoming so simple that it no longer describes reality. In this situation we are taking a simple position that has little bearing on reality and expanding it to fit a larger pool of data.
Tulisan said:
You see, in the above example, the conversation gets twisted into a discussion about whether or not the Democrates are "flip floppers" and whether or not they can be trusted with decision making. No logical discourse can occur on what the original vote was about, and why the guest doesn't support the war, and what evidence was insuffecient, and so on.
Logical discourse cannot occur if people do not have a clear picture of what we are talking about. The discussion about when same-sex relationships became wrong is far broader then when it became wrong to sleep with a member of the same sex. That is nothing but a cultural definition of psuedo-religious belief and it doesn't take into account the steps we all take...some more then others.
Tulisan said:
Well, that is sort of what your doing in this conversation. Instead of being able to agree on very simple terms so we can discuss the idea of homosexuality being considered "wrong" or not, etc., the conversation is twisted into a discussion about human sexuality and the psychology of how gay it would be to put a poster of a body builder in front of the bench press, and so on.
Paul, sometimes there are no simple terms to discuss issues. The particle/wave duality suddenly pops to mind...students in physics first examine this with a one dimensional equation called the Schroedinger Equation but we are always told that it actually is more complex.
Tulisan said:
All of this seems to be an attempt to get people to question their own sexuality and degree of "gayness," to fit your worldview of "everyone is gay, but just to different degrees." This way, if everyone is gay, then I guess there can be nothing wrong with being gay.
This IS an attempt to get people to question their own sexuality. This IS an attempt to encourage self knowledge. So many people shy away from this type of thing because they are afraid of the answer, because they intrinsically
know what I am talking about. Am I really enforcing my worldview on people or are people thinking more honestly about "homosexual" and "heterosexual" behavior? Again, how can you discuss whether something is wrong without knowing what IS wrong?
Tulisan said:
The problem with this is that although it twists the discussion into your worldview, it doesn't really address the topic. I don't mean to put you on the spot, but this is just what is occuring here.
Go ahead, put me on the spot. I think that I've put a lot of people on the spot in this discussion. I think there has been a lot of rationalization and a lot of hmmmm moments. Good.
Tulisan said:
It would be better if we simply decided what we meant by "wrong," went with some simple yet agreeable and reasonable definitions for terms like "homosexual behavior," and had logical discourse on when and where homosexuality was considered "wrong," and why that was, and so on. This would be more prudent to the topic, I think.
The lines will always be artificial. They will always be based upon current cultural beleif and may have little to do with what might actually exist in reality unless this discussion is carried to fruition. "Homosexual behavior" is more then what it currently has been defined. The same goes for "Heterosexual behavior". The topic of this thread is discussing the drawing of a line between acceptable and unacceptable homo/hetero behavior. I am trying to point out that the line is artificial. When was that line drawn? Why? Knowing that the line IS artificial is a KEY peice of information in this discussion.