I have to interject here...
I keep seeing "lifestyle", "Choice", etc.
I've been thinking on that a bit....ran down the list of everyone I ever lusted after, dated, or even asked out, or just plain fantasized about.
It was an, interesting, trip.
One point that was constant though. I never once went "I think I'll lust for you". I just did. There was no choice involved that I could see. It just happened. If I were to choose the object of my desire, it would be a long haired asian or redhead with large breasts....so why am I with a brunette with average boobs and a short do? I just am. I didn't decide 1 day "thats the one". It just was. I didn't pick her outta a line up, going down a checklist. I'm drawn to what I'm drawn to. Now, if those LOTR elves were redheads rather than blonds....well.....I might have faced some challenges. :rofl:
Seriously, I don't believe it is a "choice". It just is. People say "yes, but we've deprogrammed gays". In the real world, we call that brainwashing. I can make anyone think anything if I just repeat it enough and reinforce it enough. In the arts, we call it 'muscle memory' or 'ingrane' etc. Well, you are a computer, and can be programmed and reprogrammed.
If we're in a dark room, cuddling, caressing and otherwise pleasuring, we've been trained that if the lights come on, and the person you're with is the same gender as you, to react with horror. But, now that the lights are on....does that change how it felt?
Some other questions:
What is homosexuality?
Is it sexual attraction, and if so, what is sexual attraction?
Many guys who insist they are 'straight', have posters of young buff men, all oiled up, muscles buldging, while wearing little bity posing pouches on their walls...and subscriptions to magazines that feature them. Where does appreciating a healthy body end, and 'gayness' begin? Its incredibly grey.
Lifestyle...thats another one. My lifestyle is currently sitting around in an apartment with 3 cats, online, watching Iron Chef when I can. If I were to choose my lifestyle, you can bet your bippy it would be alot closer to Hefs, than what I currently have.
American is spirling backwards into a ultra conservative mindset that is just scary. I can go to Toronto, a mere 90 minutes away, and see same-gender couples walking, talking and enjoying life in the open, freely. In fact, Canada is now either about to pass or has passed laws making same-gender mariage legal throughout the nation. So again, when is it wrong? In Canada, it's right...and in the US it's wrong.
As a sidebar:
According to the words of Jesus preserved in the Gospels he didn’t speak about homosexuality at all -- though he did devote serious time and effort to denouncing the “rich” along with self-righteous religious hypocrites.
- E.T.B.