When and what to eat before test

  • Thread starter Thread starter Thundering Hammer
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I will try and be kinder and more gentle in this post to reflect the new me.

1) Carbos are the way to go. Since most people in North America get their proteins there is little chance of him missing them. On top of that he would more than likely get his carbos and be able to retain them better as he would be hydrating. Unless he has diabtes or some sugar illness.

2)Red meat or any kind of meat. Man is actually an Omnivore. The whole red meat thing was not for the agression. It's for when training the proteins allow for muscle building. That's what proteins are for. I had a whole bunch of insults that I am saving on this one. I hope you're happy.

I have a few questions. You mentioned that you'll have your family prepare you a pasta dinner the night before? How old are you? if you say 15 I'll freak by the way. Also, on your bio, why do you state your rank as brown but testing for black? I never grasp that. Just curious.

I hope that this was up to the new "Gou" standards.
Originally posted by Blindside

Hi Rainman,

It may be a circular argument but I would say that carnivores aren't aggressive because of WHAT they eat, but becasue they HAVE to be, otherwise they don't eat!

Actually, if you look at lots of carrion eaters (vultures, condor) they aren't tempermentally aggresive despite having diets essentially similar to more predatory carnivores.

That being said, I had a steak and rice the night before my black belt test.


Hi Lamont,

Eating is pleasureable, gotta kill to eat, gotta hunt to kill to eat. Tigers eat meat that they hunted and killed. THAT is just as circular and just as true.

I thought condors were vultures. Anyways no I was speaking of predetors as carnivores and the relationship with early humans as they went from herbavores, to carnivores and ominivores. That only works if you believe in evolution and took too many anthro classes;) which in those days I leaned toward creation. Now with all the information on dinos, neanderthal, etc. Anything is possible.
I havent checkd this board in a few days and boy did you guys run with the topic and have a lot of conversationss. Thanks for the suggestions.


"I have a few questions. You mentioned that you'll have your family prepare you a pasta dinner the night before? How old are you? if you say 15 I'll freak by the way. Also, on your bio, why do you state your rank as brown but testing for black? I never grasp that."

I am much older than 15! I also thought that since I probablywill be nervous/anxious/whatever that day that someone else could make dinner/luch what ever meal that day.

In the profile: i wrote brown belt and to let everyone else know that i willl be testing for balck soon. That's all.

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