No Black Belt test for me this year

Steamboat said:
Worst injury I have suffered training was while boxing. I threw a hard left hook at the exact same time my oppenent threw a wicked quick right jab which tore my rotator cuff. My arm just went limp it was scary, no matter how I tried to lift it nothing happened.

It was almost three months before I could do push ups again. Maybe six months till I had full use of my arm. That was almost ten years ago and I still feel a tingle sometimes when I bench press.

Moral of the story is don't get hit in the shoulder while throwing a hook.(not the most common martial arts punch so hopefuly you are safe) :)

Anyway I agree with the other posts, your black belt will patiently wait for you to heal take as much time as you need.

If it isn't to personal may I ask the nature of your injury?

Best of luck to you, although if you are half as driven as you sound then you don't need it
I did a front heel kick into the heavy bag and my calf just exploded. I was training hard. I was focused. Just feeling it you know and I dont know what happened. At the time I felt pain and I stopped for a minute then my calf felt like it was on fire. I figured ok I can do kicks with the other leg but I couldnt put full weight on the injured one. I iced it up 5 minutes later and when I got home. I had massive bruising. I mean MASSIVE. My teacher wanted me to take a picture. I still have bruising from my knee to my ankle and into my foot. Blood vessels burst I guess because I have pooling bruises(purple) around the edge of my foot. I limp still when I walk and although they let me sit at work instead of stand because of this my leg swells up and my ankle. The orthopaedic surgeon will tell me more tomorrow. He said its not torn. He called it a sprain. It seems like more than that to me. I am determined to test. I have that black belt mentality of not giving up. If I was attacked on the street would I give up because I have one injured leg ? No. I still have one good leg and two good arms. The only thing is we do 3 two mile runs in our test and lots of sparring. I cant kick with this leg. I could the other one but pivoting would be a problem. I wont do anything stupid but I hope I will heal in time to test. Sorry for rambling.
rachel said:
I have that black belt mentality of not giving up. If I was attacked on the street would I give up because I have one injured leg ? No. I still have one good leg and two good arms.
*note to self: do NOT attack any limping females in Conn. any time soon* ;)

Joking aside, it sounds very painful! If the diagnosis was correct hopefuly you will be healed up in time for the next test. June is just to soon imho although I am far from a doctor.

Have any of the resident doctors on martialtalk had any experience with this type of injury?
Rachel, as others have said, congrats on even getting to the point to test. As for injuries and training with me...a nose dive off a two story building in a construction accident that broke my back and ripped my right rotator cuff. I've recovered thanks to God's grace, physical therapy, lot's of TLC from loved ones and dogged determination and am back into training 100%. Heck, the injury has actually been a boon to my training as I've had to make a few adjustments for the back when I first returned. My posture is much better during technique now. Having a sensei makes a point of both pushing his students and reigning them in when needed help a great deal as well. Take the time off that you need to heal. Continue to train in ways that you are able...take notes and such and then ease yourself back into training as you are able and come time to test you'll be that much more ready.

I'll send my thoughts your way and hope for a speedy recovery. :asian:

As was pointed out, you will have time enough to test. You still have the knowledge -- no one and no injury takes that away -- and you have the desire. Your injury will heal and you will come back better and stronger.

I've had three ribs broken for me on purpose (but that's a long time ago and water under the bridge), my left thumb, my right index finger, and all of my toes broken. Right now I'm nursing an old soft tissue injury to my left arm which acts up the moment I spar.

I guess the sum of it is that we all train injured at times. Be smart. Heal up as completely as possible. KT
Sorry to hear about your injury.

One of my students was so concerned about his test, that he had sparred moments before.

He had hurt his groin and could not perform.

After, realizing this, after the fact/test, I informed him nevered to test or put that kind of physical and mental strain again.

There is more harm than good to continue or start anything prematurely before a full recovery.
I know of one fellow who just recently tested for his Third Degree Black. Going into the test he had broken ribs. And after the test they were all healed... Still trying to figure that one out.
Sorry to hear about your injury, Rachel. I agree with others' advice about not rushing your recovery. I know it's frustrating getting injured right before you're about to test; when I was getting ready to test for Purple belt I got injured at a camp (two weeks before I was planning to test!) by a jerk who had an attitude about working with women who were higher ranked than he was. :( When we practiced a technique & it was my turn to be the attacker, instead of blocking the kick (which is what he was supposed to do) he held onto my foot just long enough so that I landed on my ankle--OUCH!(my force was still moving forward & I couldn't stop even if I wanted to) So much for testing that year! It was a very bad sprain, & I was out of training for 4 months (2 months of which was spent in physical therapy)--it drove me up the wall just sitting at home & doing "chair forms" but I did what my doctor told me & when I got back it took time to get back in shape & practice everything again, but I still had the knowledge of the material.

I hope you'll take care of yourself & don't give up; best wishes for a speedy recovery & please keep us updated!


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