What's your take on these 2 simple techniques here? (supported elbow frame)


Blue Belt
May 2, 2016
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What do you think about these 2 things here?

If a person just learnt these 2 techniques then would this be enough to defend against
somebody in a static situation? For exmaple if a person punches and then you use the elbow
frame as defense or you attack him with the supported punch?

The question is basically how likely are these techniques to work in real life. I mean can you really
rely on a few techniques and then assume that they will work? But what if they don't work?

Elbow Frame

Supported Punch (go to 1:15)

They only know 2 techniques well that's 2 more than you'll ever know

You know how with tennis they play a shot on one side of the court. And you run over there. And then they play a shot on the other side. So you are basically running from side to side until you can't keep up?

Supporting blocks and punches set you up for the same thing.
Absolutely. Only two techniques are ever necessary. The rest of the fluff that we train in martial arts is just to fill the instructor's pockets by charging us for classes filled with techniques that will never work. That's probably why the elbow shield is seen in 100% of judo matches, and the supported punch is the number one choice of high level BJJ practitioners. Luckily, you have figured this out before you wasted any time training.
They may work very well...; they may not work well at all.
It just plain depends. They is no one single action that will work all the time in all situations.
Absolutely. Only two techniques are ever necessary. The rest of the fluff that we train in martial arts is just to fill the instructor's pockets by charging us for classes filled with techniques that will never work. That's probably why the elbow shield is seen in 100% of judo matches, and the supported punch is the number one choice of high level BJJ practitioners. Luckily, you have figured this out before you wasted any time training.
Yes one or two techniques can work but what if they don't work? Then you're screwed it's best to have as many tools in your tool belt as possible even if you won't ever need them
Are you creating a belt system for your YouTube Martial Arts rank?
It's actually pretty good, assuming you're fast and not a pussy about it. Although I would prefer keeping distance unless I wanted to grapple or clinch with elbows.
I mean can you really
rely on a few techniques and then assume that they will work? But what if they don't work?

The physical side of the equation is pretty simple: just develop two or three effective strikes that can be executed hard and that work well. Drill them until you reach a level of unconscious competence, which comes from practicing strikes for several thousand reps with visualisation and real intent - Lee Morrison, The Complete Book of Urban Combatives
Why would you block a punch like that? Just elbow his fist out of the air so that it breaks, do an armdrag to back clinch, and finish with a perfect RNC.