What's your instructor's rank?

What is your instructor's rank?

  • I don't know. It hasn't come up.

  • 1st Dan

  • 2nd Dan

  • 3rd Dan

  • 4th Dan

  • 5th Dan

  • 6th Dan

  • 7th Dan

  • 8th Dan

  • 9th Dan

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My Grandmaster is 9th dan. Grandmaster Il Kwon Kim. Here is a liitle information on him:

Grand Master Kim was born in Korea and started training at the age of 7. His love of the martial arts brought him to the United States where in 1967 he started the I. K. Kim Tae Kwon Do Centers. Grand Master Kim studied under Grand Master Byung-Jik Ro who studied under Grand Master Gichin Funakoshi. Ja Be Ryu is the style that has resulted from Grand Master Kim's over 50 years of experience. Even today, Grand Master Kim circulates throughout the different branches of his organization, ensuring that the highest standards of instruction are still being maintained.

My primary instructor is a 6th Dan
One of my GM has been involved in TKD for over fifty years and when ask about his rank, he simply says I am a Black Belt. Now that is a true GM of the Arts.
Most of my instructors are now deceased so I consider them now to be masters beyond reproach.
Their ranks while alive where master or grandmaster but that matters not to much at this time or even then, as I studied with them for the knowledge they had not what their rank was.
Those that are still alive are at least masters with a life time of experience and knowledge
Sensei Annarino is a 9th Degree Black Belt under Don Madden, Ko Sutemi Karate Do Union. My trainer, Sensei Tom Pierce, is 4th Dan in Ko Sutemi and Black Belt in Tai Kung Fu.
I'm surprised 15th Dan isn't an option. How are some of these people going to state their rank if 15th Dan isn't an option?
I'm curious about what your instructor's rank is. I just wonder what the average rank would be. Call it a spin off from the "what rank are you" thread we have every so often.
Grandmaster Kim is 6th dan KKW taekwondo, 9th dan kumdo and hapkido, Master Choi is 5th dan Moo duk kwan, 5th dan kundo, but the gentleman who instructs me regularly is Master Yeo, who is 4th dan KKW.

My head instructor, Mr. Kurt Ottesen, is 6th Dan (ITF).

Personally, even though I've only been at this a couple of month, I think he's a fabulous instructor. And my son (who is an exceptionally polite person to begin with, and comes by it naturally) shows him more respect than just about anyone else (including me, most days ;)). I definitely picked the right school for me and my son.
I have several instructors that come to class on a regular basis. The main two are 3rd dan and 1st dan, and the others are 1st dan, 5th dan, and 7th dan.
Wow! This guy must be something else. GM Park, Hae Man is a 10th Dan KKW (one of only 52....& most of those were awarded after death!) I love this art, sometimes.:)

Since posting this, I've found out that GM Park, Hae Man is a 9th Dan KKW, not 10th Dan. At this point (although there is talk of changing it) 10th Dan KKW is always posthumous.
GM Kim out of California was just given his 9th by the KKW and he is still a very great teacher of the Art of TKD.

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