Promenent Women in Taekwondo


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
After starting the thread on Significant folks in TKD, I got to wondering about the promenent women of the Art. My knowledge on this is quite limited, but I'm curious.

GM Brenda Sell is the highest ranking non-Korean ranked by the Kukkiwon at 8th Dan. There are a few Korean women who also have that rank, but I know nothing about them. Who are the women who have had a role in the growing of Taekwondo?
Iceman GM Uke Sung Lee was an 8th Dan and she was born in Canada in the late thirties she achieved her KKW 8th in 1991. I will give a call to Won Park for her Bio, to my knowledge she wad given that rank. Not sure if she tested.
I certainly know who she is, but I know few details. Perhaps Kacey can help with that one.

Master Renee' Sereff is the senior-ranked woman in the United States TaeKwon-Do Federation. Since I left the USTF in 1998, I can provide no recent information, but you can check the USTF website if you want more details.
Well I guess my wife she is the current Texas state champion as well as the fomal US open champion plus a AAU chanpion, Arkansas State and Oklahoma but she is only a lonely second and needs another twenty year to be a pominant figure.

Nia Abdullah is also in Olympic TKD since she won branze in the last Olympics and again this past weekend, but she is young as well.