Originally posted by Zhao Dai Wei
I think you need to stop subscribing to 'Guns & Ammo' and similar gun rags and begin thinking on your own.
It is physically impossible for these rounds to knock you down. We have something on this planet called the laws of physics, you may want to research this. For instance, for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. If a handgun bullet could knock someone down physically it would also knock down the shooter. If a person falls down it is a psychological reaction not a physiological one in regards to the bullet itself. The only possible reaction is for example the bullet striking the pelvis in such a way that the body is unable to support itself. And that, in and of itself does not preclude the possibility that the Bg is still able to respond.
Incorrect again. Most people that are shot, even with a rifle survive. If you disagree then simply respond with you researched documentation to support your claim. I am basing my information on 18 years military/LEO data with real live action shootings. I have taken custody of more shooting victims than I can remember. I collect data not only from our agency but agencies around the country. I await your data....
The .40 and 10mm are gimmick calibers. Not that they aren't effective, they are. But not anymore so that the 9mm and .45. They were invented in conjunction with the ammo/firearms manufacturerers to boast sales to those that go for such things. And of course it worked because there are those such as yourself that are constantly looking for the magic bullet. Heres a hint to save you some money....it doesn't exist. Go practice your shot placement. You are correct on one thing, the .50 is not practical except for handgun hunting.
So is Glazer/Magsafe, but none of them take into consideration oblique angles or obstructed torso shots. They are high priced gimmik rounds sold to those easily impressed with jello tests vs real life shootings. Please show us your data base with positive results in exotic ammo shootings please.....
I know far more about Magsafe than you my friend, I used to talk to Joe Zambone reguarly before he passed away. For a straight on, unobstructed torso shot on a smaller than average person...MAYBE it will be effective. And that is a big BIG maybe.
Perhaps if your using FMJ's at high velocity...maybe. We use a 124 +P gold dot 9mm which has EXCELLENT penatration usually in the area of 14-18 inches in jello. Of the few times in MULTIPLE police action shootings we have had thus far only a small fraction of them were what could be termed 'shoot throughs'. And those rounds were recovered on the ground within a couple of feet of the Bg. The notion that most rounds zip through a body and sail down the street looking for innocent bystanders is incorrect. It 'can' happen but very rarely does in real life.
Could you please provide your data base on ALL of these experts that state this. Btw, I am an firearms expert and have been called into court to testify as to this expertise...so I'm one against. In addition I can provide a LARGE comprehensive list of experts who will go directly against your 'opinion'.
I would direct anyone serious about defense with a firearm to go beyond the gun rags as their information is extremely biased, that is an understatement. Check out firearmstactical.com for further references to authorities in this area. Also glocktalk.com, look for Shawn Dodson.
This is a gimmick tagline along the same line as 'one stop shots', 'temporary cavitation', 'knock down power', 'stopping power' etc. It is for the gullible with no technical expertise in what a wounding mechanism is, no offense. [But your the one who opened this can of worms].
Look again my friend, the conflict was ended with a 158 grain LHP from a .38 revolver. Please show us all where the .40/10mm is superior to the 9mm or .45. Please site all your data base references.
Feel free to post back if you really wanna play with this topic...have a nice day