What's the thing that annoys you the most with some martial arts?

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The celeb that is promoted to 5th ,6th whatever rank and strutts around like he earned it. (this is not about the ones who really study)

Instuctors who put the same article in papers 3 different ways so it looks like they are doing more than they are.

Judges (in tournaments) who score according to style

judges under the rank of master judgeing advanced black belt forms ( a few exceptions here but not many)

tournament promoters who will not even watch a group of judges when people complain about poor judgeing
I hate the following things in no particular order:

1. All the political BS that permeates and befouls the entire MA community.

2. Black belts from other systems that want to try a new art because they feel " a true martial artist is a perpetual student" but REFUSE TO TAKE THEIR BLACK BELT FROM THEIR OTHER SYSTEM OFF.

3. Getting smoked in the knuckles with rattan.


Originally posted by Rob Wilson
2. Black belts from other systems that want to try a new art because they feel " a true martial artist is a perpetual student" but REFUSE TO TAKE THEIR BLACK BELT FROM THEIR OTHER SYSTEM OFF.

When I first earned my black belt, I was very proud of myself and I was guilty of this when I started my jui jutsu class. Mostly because I hadn't obtained a judo gi, but also because of the pride I felt. That ended when a green belt threw me during a grappling match and I broke my collar bone. Six months later, I came back to the class with a white belt. Oh well, some of us have to learn the hard way...
The following will offend everyone who reads it. If anything you read below can be interpreted one way as profoundly offensive and in another as a mildly offensive joke, it is intended as the latter.

The preposterous dogma that all arts are effective in fighting. Along with that, instructors who lead people on to believe that by training with them, they will substantively enhance their self-defense ability (other than the fitness that they would just as well pick up in ballroom dancing or volleyball) when in fact they do not teach skills in fear management, verbal defusion of conflict, effective countertactics against edged and impact weapons, firearms, and multiple attackers, cement-friendly groundfighting, etc.

Ironic punishment department: I move that these instructors be taken into alleys and beaten by loud drunks in gorilla masks with sticks. The beatings will be taped, the tapes sold, and the proceeds will go toward rehabilitating the students they have deceived.

People who expect differential treatment on the basis of seniority, e.g. that junior students will address them using a special term. Get over yourself: you're in North America and this is the 21st century. I actually saw one guy say that because (the guy standing next to him) was his junior ("si dai") he could do anything he wanted to him. Then he smacked him in the face. (lightly, as a joke) That's an extreme case, but any time that ppl expect that their seniority confers some special entitlement, it's the same thing--different in degree, not in kind.

Schools that claim that weapons, sparring, etc. have to be done only after years of "foundation training". Gee, I wonder why the Filipinos never figured this out.

Self-defense instructors who brag about how many fights they've been in. That's a lot like a defensive driving instructor who brags about how many collisions he's been in.

Trappings such as uniforms, terminology and ritual when they serve less to contribute to safe and quality training or to elucidate concepts, than they do to support an image of oneself as a "martial arts badass" that one wants to have.

line drills and other dead patterns

Anyway, what's wrong with a system in which all frills (e.g. forms) are removed in order to distill true combat skills?
Boy I can tell who you have been training with, but that is a good thing.

For me it is dead pattern schools. That get ready for you to throw the punch, even though a street punk won't wait until your ready.

Also schools that teach their students that when they are done with them as a student that they will never get hit.

Ritual and hierarchy, for the hell of it. Far to many Shihans, Sokes and the likes could get the florr wiped with them by Randy Couture or Tito Ortiz when neither one of them have a black belt.

Hey, those aren't someone else's opinions or feelings--they're mine. Some of the verbiage is from Matt or from Tony Blauer, because when they say a sentence that perfectly expresses an idea, one can't help ...

... but the gorilla mask beatings, that wasn't them. And the face-smacking thing, that was a true story. Happened years before I met Matt.

A martial arts forum that is so nicely done that at the end of a week one realizes that one has spent more time reading and posting than actually training. :mad:

That is pathetic, man.
I wasn't dogging you. I like that way of thinking.

I am only on the computer at work, so luckily for me it doesn't effect my training.
The fact that people think that to gain a black belt is the ultimate achievement and when they do thats it they have mastered the art. So the arts that are quick to acomplish that level (no offence meant to any of them) are simply tossed asside because they think that because of the thing around their waist (black belt) they have mastered it. And when a technique is heavily based on assumption eg, once you execute your punch to the face this will render your attacker unconscious. I mean cmon lets be serious it usually takes one really really accurate punch or a massive hit to do this and for someone who has "mastered" the art this is always applicable.....oh yeah theres alot more but ill save it

People who believe based on the "repuatation" of an art that it is worthless. ie...

Tae Kwon do cant be used to fight...

Ninjutsu is Fake...

Aikido is all defense and therefore usless...

Originally posted by Black Bear

profoundly offensive and in another as a mildly offensive joke.

Sir, I resemble that comment

Originally posted by Black Bear
Ironic punishment department: I move that these instructors be taken into alleys and beaten by loud drunks in gorilla masks with sticks. The beatings will be taped, the tapes sold, and the proceeds will go toward rehabilitating the students they have deceived.

Can I use my own stick or will sticks be provided. I have to know these things ;)

Originally posted by Black Bear
People who expect differential treatment on the basis of seniority, e.g. that junior students will address them using a special term. Get over yourself: you're in North America and this is the 21st century. I actually saw one guy say that because (the guy standing next to him) was his junior ("si dai") he could do anything he wanted to him. Then he smacked him in the face. (lightly, as a joke) That's an extreme case, but any time that ppl expect that their seniority confers some special entitlement, it's the same thing--different in degree, not in kind.

*Slap* Yes, I agree *Slap* that this is annoying.

Originally posted by Black Bear
Schools that claim that weapons, sparring, etc. have to be done only after years of "foundation training". Gee, I wonder why the Filipinos never figured this out.

They Have :rolleyes:, did you not get the memo?

Originally posted by Black Bear
Self-defense instructors who brag about how many fights they've been in. That's a lot like a defensive driving instructor who brags about how many collisions he's been in.

Well I actualy have been in a few accicdents, but I have avoided more :D ;)

Originally posted by Black Bear
Trappings such as uniforms, terminology and ritual when they serve less to contribute to safe and quality training or to elucidate concepts.

line drills and other dead patterns

Sometimes Colored Uniforms can be handy. Suchas those with one leg one color and a different color for the other leg. This way when you say Left, you can also the Red leg or the black leg or the blue leg, and kids and adults a like can catch on faster.

Originally posted by Black Bear
Anyway, what's wrong with a system in which all frills (e.g. forms) are removed in order to distill true combat skills?

Nothing is it teaches what the person is looking for.

Oh Yeah, things that irratate me:

People with no knowledge of a specific art and spouting off about that art.

Women and men who go, "Oh so you are a black belt you could beat that guy up. Right?"

People on Martial Art forums who chop on others posts, reply to them and also mis-quote the posts, to make their point. :eek: ;) Like what someone just did to Black Bear's Post.

And those that take themselves too seriously.
Those who know nothing of a specific art, and are to closeminded to put effort into learning about it. Most just write off as "not usefull" that which they don't understand.

Originally posted by Rich Parsons
Sometimes Colored Uniforms can be handy. Suchas those with one leg one color and a different color for the other leg. This way when you say Left, you can also the Red leg or the black leg or the blue leg, and kids and adults a like can catch on faster.

The problem with training exclusivly in the colored uniforms is when you are faced with a real-world situation, and are not wearing them. You must first excuse yourself from the fight to change your pants.

Then again, when outnumbered..isn't that normal? :)

As Captain Bravo said "Pass me my Brown Pants." :D
Originally posted by Shiatsu
Boy I can tell who you have been training with, but that is a good thing.

For me it is dead pattern schools. That get ready for you to throw the punch, even though a street punk won't wait until your ready.

Also schools that teach their students that when they are done with them as a student that they will never get hit.

Ritual and hierarchy, for the hell of it. Far to many Shihans, Sokes and the likes could get the florr wiped with them by Randy Couture or Tito Ortiz when neither one of them have a black belt.


I agree 99%.
BECAUSE, I don't know of any us that could beat Randy or Tito, one on one with no weapons. There can be a few in here BUT when you compare rank I have to say that I have a San Kyu under me that can kick the **** out of the "average" balck belt.

Rank is in combat is useless it ONLY relates to the art that it represents.

Originally posted by 7starmantis
Those who know nothing of a specific art, and are to closeminded to put effort into learning about it. Most just write off as "not usefull" that which they don't understand.

And that CAN be said of MANY! :asian:

How many threads have been started about systems that had NOT been seen first hand?

I do understand the "insecurities" that people feel when they "see" their art being "absorbed" into other systems.

BUT that is a natural progression in the arts. Its happened ALL through martial history.

Originally posted by theletch1
Instructors who teach the same technique four different ways because they can't remember how the technique is supposed to be done so they're just going through the motions.

That is sad. But I do have to say that I don't beleive that there is actually "one way that is the right way." If anything the "end result" of execution should "always" be the same.

We are talking technique not Kata. Something simple like foot positioning or even ones balance can totally change a technique.

When I teach a techinique, I teach it the way I was taught along with as many way as possible to do it along with "my ideal" use of it.

Students are all differant and they will always see it from a differant light. As an instructor it is my "job" to reach a student in a way that he can learn.

ACTUALLY, that is my biggest gripe. Intructors that just teach to the class but don't know how to reach the individuals that see techiniques differantly or are at differant pace than the rest of the class.

Can I use my own stick or will sticks be provided. I have to know these things ;)
You may use a stick of your choice. However, the committee is debating whether, in your case, providing a gorilla mask will really be necessary.
They Have :rolleyes:, did you not get the memo?
I'm always the last one to hear. DANG, now WE have to do it too???

Well I actualy have been in a few accicdents, but I have avoided more :D ;)
Operative word is "brags about". Your street experience is a definite asset, I'm not putting that to question at all. And that's exactly the point: you avoided more.

Sometimes Colored Uniforms can be handy. Suchas those with one leg one color and a different color for the other leg. This way when you say Left, you can also the Red leg or the black leg or the blue leg, and kids and adults a like can catch on faster.
See, I told them they should paint the car like that for my driving test, but would they listen?

Women and men who go, "Oh so you are a black belt you could beat that guy up. Right?"
One instructor of mine used to tell people that he was going to "dance class"instead of martial arts so that idiots wouldn't start making a big deal of it, or punching him and saying, "what would you do if a guy did this?" So I tried this, and naturally someone immediately asked me "what kind of dance?" I never bothered with this silly mendacity again.

People on Martial Art forums who chop on others posts, reply to them and also mis-quote the posts, to make their point. :eek: ;) Like what someone just did to Black Bear's Post.
I heard someone call this "fisking" because of some internet pundit by the name of Fisk. I don't really know about that.
Originally posted by akja
I agree 99%.
BECAUSE, I don't know of any us that could beat Randy or Tito, one on one with no weapons. There can be a few in here BUT when you compare rank I have to say that I have a San Kyu under me that can kick the **** out of the "average" balck belt.

Rank is in combat is useless it ONLY relates to the art that it represents.

One of my all-time favourite quotes is from Royce Gracie: "A black belt only covers two inches of your ***. The rest you have to back up on your own."

If ever I was forced into the ring with Tito or Randy, I guess I would bring two knives with me. I'm sorry, I just don't want to die.
Ok this is one thing i dont get ok. Guys like tito ortiz and randy courtour are professional fighters. Your black belts etc are martial artists that specialise in one particular field but they are not professional fighters. These guys no what it meanz to go toe to toe with a heavy hitter yet specialists no what it is like to be hit hard in a training environment. it is really a bad example to compare these two guys because they are professional fighters black belts are experienced in how to defend themselves they are not professional fighters.

While I have the greatest respect for Tito and the bunch, but ring fighting is only one aspect. A very popular and straightforward aspect. It is only one part of self-defense. It doesn't cover speciallized environments or weapons. Everyone remembers the theory that Smith and Wesson gave the world on equalization, or how bout you drop me and a ring fighter in the snow covered woods and see who walks out in a few days. There are other things in the world besides "showtime at the Venitian". How will Tito do in Afghanistan right now?

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