What training would be best?

i would have to agree with Slihn. i personally started as Kempo (being the same as kenpo but one is chinese one japanese) it does deal with alot of self defense but it also takes alot of disapline (physical and mental) and that is good for people of all ages
We chose the Hap Ki Do School and our first class is tonight! Ill probably comment on the experience in the “Beginner Corner” later.
I would look at it this way...
I think it should be less about what 'style' and more about who will be influencing, teaching and working with your children. They have their whole lives in front of them to train/switch to and from any style they want.

A PERSON who can work with the challenges presented is MUCH more important than the way a sidekick is thrown in the style x vs y.

My .02 cents.

Best of luck and thank you for being a caring parent. As an instructor that make me feel good.

Todd Guay
CT Kempo and Fitness
South Meriden, CT
351C said:
We chose the Hap Ki Do School and our first class is tonight! Ill probably comment on the experience in the “Beginner Corner” later.

So, what did you base your decision on? (If you don't mind me asking)
I chose the Hap Ki Do School based on the instructor. During the past week, I watched a class at two different TKD schools and the HKD class. This instructor impressed me the most and a few of the parents I talked to said he was the best they had seen. He is quite strict with following the proper etiquette and procedures yet if some body needs correcting, he does so in a very kind and helping way. If somebody is struggling a little he will temporally turn control of the class over to an assistant and go over and personally work with the individual needing help. He does this quite a bit so everybody ends up with some one on one training. A second reason is the school holds a family class every evening from 7:00 to 8:00. This is perfect for me and my kids. They also have beginner classes and advance classes for children and adultsÂ’ only classes. This seems to spread all the students out pretty well. The family class had about 10 people. The third reason is that I wanted to choose a style that was well rounded and geared more toward self-defense instead of sport.

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