Thank you everyone to who has shown support. Look, the ones who have known me on the board or corresponded with me outside this open forum knows that I don't like to rub people through the mud. However, Kumbajah, sorry if I spelled wrong, if you must know......I am his 3rd instructor and his 3rd school in the same organization.
He began with my father, until he rubbed the entire class the wrong way, he went to another school in the org. that had an aspect shut down. He has P.T.S.D. and T.B.I. which is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury. I have both conditions as well so I looked at his situation as "He is just misunderstood". Even with my father's advice I was still a bit too trusting of this person.
I did everything in the world to try and help him in hapkido and Judo. Very regrettably I even argued with good friends at a tournament in respect to my former Judo student concerning judging. It's a good thing for me that my friends understood why I argued with them and no harm was done. Instructors stick up for their students like Non Commissioned Officers of Marines stick up for their troops. I know that sounds double edged but if you are an instructor you understand.
So, I was just a bit worried because this guy was and has always been early for class without fail for 6 months. That is why I called. You see I ask only one thing of my students if they aren't going to make it to class to call and let me know. No big deal. I have a student that is 10 minutes late due to work and travel distance, however that was told to me in the very beginning and they show up almost completely dressed out and make no haste towards "Jumping right in." when they arrive.
I am a combat vet that led troops into battle as a Sgt. of Marines, so I ask you to not say something to the effect of "I give extra time because it is my job as an instructor." I am retired from work because of my medical responsibilities that I have to maintain just to keep me going. *Thank you Carol for pointing that out.*
If you haven't led troops into combat where you were responsible for other's lives then you don't know what "Hard or going the extra mile really is." Sorry just my opinion.
So after telling me "I didn't answer your call because I just didn't feel like it" and then in a raised tone told the GM of the org. I am only here for hapkido, I don't care about Tae Kwon Do it's bullcrap." I mean gee GM accepted this guy into the school in St. L out of good faith. He has always done a lot for everyone in the school for several years. I have never, ever, ever seen he or my father be so aggravated by a student before, red faced and genuinely angry. Both have very calm demeanors.
Everyone in the St. L school cross trains in something. Escrima, bo staff, knife, I am big on sword. It doesn't matter.....that is not the point. The point is that this person was a disrespectful liar. Not only to me but to the head of the org., my father and others.
So, I don't want a student in my Judo class nor a partner in hapkido that doesn't have integrity. Sorry, I am not a saint in any stretch of the imagination, however I will say things the way I see them no matter if you want to hear them or not.....but I do have integrity.
In the Marines that was the foundation of the establishment (Integrity), sorry I have strong convictions. How could I with good conscience go into combat with someone I couldn't trust? Not possible, so to me it is no different as an instructor. I can't teach or work with someone I can't trust. This isn't the first time something "Smelly" has arose so to speak this is just the icing on the cake that broke the last straw.
If GM doesn't want him in class, which is not the case then that is his business not mine. His school, I just instruct a class there. However, it is at my discretion as a 2nd dan in Judo, 2nd dan in MCMAP, and brown belt in hapkido who I will work with. Afterall I don't have to partner up with anyone whom I do not choose to.
Like I said earlier, my efforts are spent better on people who genuinely want my help out of sincerity, not just because it benefits them because I am better at something than them. I told my Judo students a few years back when I began my class. "Class welcome, 1st of all Judo is hard but fun so falling will be our favorite thing. Secondly, my belt is black because I have been doing this for longer than you, that is all. Work hard and you will be a dan one day. Never hesithitate to ask a question." Geez, last week we had a class based solely on "I see these as your strong points, what do you think your weak points are or what do you want to review."
I had nothing but good hard training and honesty from the students.
Furthermore, it seems to me that the fellow in question is just wanting a black belt in a different style of hapkido just to have one so he can say he is a black belt. He is going to this other school to work another art, no problem but you know you should be loyal to your organization and the instructors who have attempted to help you. Gee, in the Marines if someone was even disloyal to their own room mate, squad, or unit. Well you don't want to know the reprecussions, you wouldn't believe me if I told you anyway. There is nothing cultish about loyalty and integrity. If you believe differently then you my friend need to do some real soul searching. Afterall, martial arts isn't really about is about everything else like honor, integrity, commitment, self respect, you know all those good fuzzy things about being a decent human being are really the root of the M.A.'s. Same with the Marine Corps, anyone can get in shape and fire a weapon, however without those decent human being qualitites I mentioned then it is worthless. Sorry, you may not agree and that is ok. Too each their own.
So again to all of you who have supported me thank you. It is greatly appreciated, Drac of all people know the situation best outside of the Moo Sul Kwan organization.