

Senior Master
May 16, 2006
Reaction score
St. Louis
I feel I am fighting a few beasts mentally that will be an everyday occurrance. However, I have sat down on my mat in the basement and meditated. I reflected how the world may definitely **** on me hard, I contemplated why? For every action has a reverse action.
I know for certain that the friends I have I don't have to question if they are friends or not. I am not crippled because I was a stupid drunk and ran into poles/blgs,/whatever. No, my joint problems and P.T.S.D. and Traumatic Brain Injury came from helping the helpless. So I look at it as a badge of honor.
I work very hard every day on Physical Therapy, technique, etc.I teach judo twice a week and help teach hapkido twice a week, as the assisstant instructor. I have a growing class in Judo and am helping to get tournaments put together with other Judo Instructors.
I am now even going to attempt to continue my belt testing in tae kwon do. It won't be too difficult, I was ready to test for purple and began to put more energy into my Judo endeavor.
Most importantly the Clan's Morton and McDowell are very strong. But my greatest supporters are my wife and dog. I have seen a lot of evil and I don't think God will ever let me forget it. I had to do some horrible things to people while on active duty, and I don't think God Will let me forget that either. However, I have a lot of support from doctor's at the V.A. and they are quite helpful. However, there is nothing better to have conversation with "True" friends and family.
Just my .02

However I don't want to look back and say that I didn't finish and continue Moo Sul Kwan under the tueteledge under GM Hildebrand after all the help he has given me on working around my joint, Ptsd and Traumatic Injury as he has. So I am looking at testing for my purple in TKD and Brown in Hapkido soon. To do otherwise would be a dis service to my GM and good friend.
Matt, you know me well enough to know that it takes alot to make me speechless. Well, all I can say at the moment is :asian:.
I feel I am fighting a few beasts mentally that will be an everyday occurrance. However, I have sat down on my mat in the basement and meditated. I reflected how the world may definitely **** on me hard, I contemplated why? For every action has a reverse action.
I know for certain that the friends I have I don't have to question if they are friends or not. I am not crippled because I was a stupid drunk and ran into poles/blgs,/whatever. No, my joint problems and P.T.S.D. and Traumatic Brain Injury came from helping the helpless. So I look at it as a badge of honor.
I work very hard every day on Physical Therapy, technique, etc.I teach judo twice a week and help teach hapkido twice a week, as the assisstant instructor. I have a growing class in Judo and am helping to get tournaments put together with other Judo Instructors.
I am now even going to attempt to continue my belt testing in tae kwon do. It won't be too difficult, I was ready to test for purple and began to put more energy into my Judo endeavor.
Most importantly the Clan's Morton and McDowell are very strong. But my greatest supporters are my wife and dog. I have seen a lot of evil and I don't think God will ever let me forget it. I had to do some horrible things to people while on active duty, and I don't think God Will let me forget that either. However, I have a lot of support from doctor's at the V.A. and they are quite helpful. However, there is nothing better to have conversation with "True" friends and family.
Just my .02

However I don't want to look back and say that I didn't finish and continue Moo Sul Kwan under the tueteledge under GM Hildebrand after all the help he has given me on working around my joint, Ptsd and Traumatic Injury as he has. So I am looking at testing for my purple in TKD and Brown in Hapkido soon. To do otherwise would be a dis service to my GM and good friend.

I'm sure you have been told this and I know it's hard to make yourself believe it but whatever ever you did you must forgive yourself for, God will have forgiven you long ago but the hard bit is forgiving yourself. it's hard to forget but in time the memories will soften, my husband is a Falklands veteran ( he also served in Northern Ireland where his best mate was shot and died in his arms) with memories of war that weren't good. To this day they pop up every so often but time has bought perspective.
What you are doing is brilliant, keeping positive and using that fighting spirit to make life the best you can is the only way to turn bad situations turn around. It's a sort of revenge on the **** life can hand out to out. Like shaking your fist at the sky and saying do your worse 'I will not be defeated'
I truly believe you will not be defeated and it makes me feel ashamed that I moan about the little annoying things in life when I should be shutting up and counting my blessings. You have my total respect and admiration. :asian:

Dogs btw way are the most wonderful creatures like all animals they accept you for what you are, never judge and love you always.
Matt just hang in there and finish what you want to, the strength you show everyday is more than most people show in a lifetime.:asian:
After reading your post, a phrase from the bible popped into my head......."Render unto Ceaser what is Ceaser's and render unto God what is God's".

This world is complex and getting worse each passing day. For those that have placed themselves in a position to serve and protect, it was done with an intent to do what was/is right, based upon standards of beliefs and upbringing. I learned a long time ago, that I have little to no control over the policies and morals of this world. I trust in a higher power and hope that my footsteps upon the earth will not intentionally cause harm to other's. So I rendered unto Ceaser and rendered unto God, that's all I can do and I can live with that. So just place yourself in the same offerings and rejoice in another day of training and peaceful surrondings and being among friends...............:asian:
I wrote a reply yesterday but apparently forgot to press the submit button:hb:.


There's a prayer that came to mind when I read your post

May the Lord bless you and guard you
May the Lord shine His countenance toward you and be gracious to you
May the Lord lift up His countenance toward you and give you peace

I wish you continued improvement, continued support and solace from your friends and family, and the peace that warriors so richly deserve. Thank you for your service and God bless you :asian: