What positive contribution have YOU made to Modern Arnis?

OK, here a few things that I have done for Modern Arnis:

I teach Modern Arnis continuously since 1980 in many different schools and groups.
I have organized Modern Arnis seminars with Remy Presas, Ernesto Presas, Roland Dantes, Rodel Dagooc, Cristino Vasquez, Bambit Dulay and in 3 weeks with Rene Tongson as well as with others like Cui Brocka, Dionisio Canete, Bob Breen and Bram Frank.
Since mid of the 80ies, I teach 15 - 25 weekend seminars a year.
I have heades 9 biannually summercamps with 80 to 145 particioner each.
I am co-founder of the German Modern Arnis association, DAV in 1985 and have been the chief-instructor of the DAV ever since. I have written several examination programs for Modern Arnis, that were adapted in other countries as well.
Around 4000 people have been members of the DAV. We are spreading Modern Arnis in around 70 different groups in Germany and we have examined around 200 Modern Arnis black belts, art the moment from 1st up to 5th Dan.
The DAV organizes around 40 Modern Arnis weekend seminars a year.
I have helped to start Modern Arnis in Denmark, Sweden and Norway from the beginning of the 80ies, teaching there twice a year for about 10 years.
I have taught Modern Arnis in Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, France, Holland, Russia, Australia and in the USA, at the Modern Arnis Symposium 2003 in Buffalo and the Modern Arnis summercamp in Brevard in 2005 but also on other seminars earlier.
Maybe I have even taught in more countries that I don't remember right now.
Students of mine and black belts of the DAV are currently teaching and helping groups to grow in Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland and Italy.

I was the co-organizer of the first 2 FMA-Festivals in Europe, with 450 and 600 participants.
Also I have iniciated and co-organized the first European Philippine Modern Arnis camp in the Philippines in 1986, as well as I have iniciated the coming Modern Arnis events in the Philippines: The 3rd FMA Festival and Modern Arnis camp in July 2006.

I have released 17 videos or DVDs with Modern Arnis or Modern Arnis related topics over the last 18 years, most of them also available in english and NTSC. In my ABANICO company, that produces instuctiuional vidoes and DVDs, I have issued around 35 to 40 titles that are related to FMA.

I have given Monder Arnis exhibitions in Galas and Shows in Germany, Holland, Sweden and Norway in front of up to 15.000 spectators sometimes even being the opening and closing act of the exhibition als well.

I have appeared in Germany several times on TV to demonstrate Modern Arnis and have been 4 times on the cover of the leading german martial arts magazines. Also I have written many articles and technical series about Modern Arnis for the martial art magazines in the last 25 years.

But the one thing, that I am most proud of is, that I have 15 to 20 students, that are training with me and the DAV already for more than 20 years. My "oldest" student is with me since 1978.

There is more, but I think it would only bore you with too many of the details.
I hope it was not too long anyway. But you asked for it.

Thanks for reading and regards from Germany

Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis
Tgace said:
How about a twist on the question?

What CAN YOU DO to contribute to Modern Arnis? Is spreading the art (seminars, schools etc.) all you can do to be considered a contributor? What does the art need?
Hi Tom,

Actually as I asked an open ended question and having no desire to "steer" the answers in any direction, teaching/operating a school that has a Modern Arnis program within it is a contribution. Going outside of your particular school format and hosting other instructors of Modern Arnis or conducting seminars would be a contribution. In order for the art to continue in existence, people have to present it to the next generation. Teaching is a positive contribution.

I want no part of that last question. I agree with Dan, that is a seperate thread. If you want to take the lead and start that thread, I will be happy to read through it as it develops.

My question is still a simple one sentence posting that allows people to answer for themselves and gives us, the readers of this thread, an idea of what others believe that he/she has done to positively contribute to the art. Speaking on behalf of others was discouraged in the text of my post. I very specificly wanted to avoid testimonials and praise-singing on behalf of someone's instructor or friend. I wanted to hear from individuals, speaking on behalf of themselves.

Thus far those who have posted and answered the question have been direct and factual. There hasn't been any puffed up self-serving pronouncements. I'm quite pleased with what I have read thus far but the tangents are not worth the time it takes to read them. It seems that some people are easily distracted from the stated task.
If people stay on task, post what they consider as their own positive contributions, I believe that we will see some good ideas coming out. If people want to bicker and see all sorts of negatives or challenges coming
from a simple one sentence question then we will loose the spirit of my question, which was to turn a negative into a positive.

By staying within ones self, leaving all others out of their statements, each poster positively adds to the legacy of the late Professor Presas. I can't count the number of times that people have posted that everyone should be working toward keeping his memory and good works alive. Here is a simple and unfettered opportunity to tell everyone what we are doing as individuals to achieve that noble goal. Therefore, I believe that posting must be left as an optional individual activity and all judgements must be suspended. If someone has nothing good to say, then don't say anything on this thread.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.

I have encouraged my students to return to the Philippines to train with the IMAFP Masters of Modern Arnis. 4 have gone back to train so far.

I made sure that all of my students registered as members of the International Modern Arnis Federation Philippines (IMAFP).

I encouraged the Black Belts that studied under me to register their ranks with IMAFP (A unique honor approved by the IMAFP Council of Masters). 2 out of 7 have registered so far.

I hosted Senior Master Samuel "Bambit" Dulay for a seminar, and private lessons in NYC, and hope to host more Modern Arnis Masters from the Philippines.

I created the website for the International Modern Arnis Federation Philippines - www.imafp.com

I teach Modern Arnis as a part of my regular curriculum in Kuntaw Kali Kruzada, from the basics to the advanced techniques as they were taught to me by Master Samuel Dulay and my brother Maestro Rico Acosta (New York Coordinator for IMAFP).

On a personal level, I practice Modern Arnis constantly and keep the memory of Grandmaster Remy's advice with me as a reminder of what I have yet to accomplish and why. :asian:

Everything I have done, as small as my contribution has been, is to honor Grandmaster Remy and his vision for Modern Arnis. I hope more people in the Modern Arnis community will continue to show support for our Modern Arnis brothers in the Philippines and the growth of IMAFP as Datu Dieter Knuttel, Master Dan Anderson and others have done.

Rich Acosta
Chief Instructor
Kuntaw Kali Kruzada

Back on track please. Here's one for Tim - he has worked over the last couple of years opening up northern Europe for Modern Arnis.

Thanks Dan, its good to see that people can disagree yet give credit where itÂ’s due. IÂ’m not going submit a list of accomplishments for anyoneÂ’s approval. Those who have been on MTÂ’s forum for any period of time know how to find my website or search MT to find out how much I put in Modern Arnis. I donÂ’t feel that in matters if you teach one person or a thousand, everyoneÂ’s contribution helps in the huge task of continuing ProfessorÂ’s dream.

What I would like to discuss is my plans for the future. Four years ago Bob Hubbard came to me and told me his concept for MT. He had tried it earlier and couldnÂ’t populate it. I reinsured him that if he tried it a second time I could help him get it off the ground. Four years late MT has out grown the two of us.

Now itÂ’s time for a new project. My goal, with the help of an excellent staff from MT are trying to duplicate the MT success for the Filipino Martial Arts community with www.FMATALK.com The goal of this MT spin off brand is to help bring the FMA community together in order to give it greater exposure. In its third week the stats are as follow:

Members: 87
Threads: 125
Posts: 426

FMAT has already surpassed many FMA forums that have been in existence for years. If FMAT is half as successful as MT has been it will help give our community the exposure that it deserves.

Unfortunately this project (along with the WMAA and HMA) has already taken much of my MT time. I will still be posting, but no whereÂ’s near as I have in the past. I hope to see some of you there. I want to thank everyone who has supported MT the last four years and IÂ’m looking forward to extending its brand into uncharted territory. IÂ’ll see you all later.

:cheers: :asian:
My advise to anyone would be to just keep doing what you do
and have a lot of fun with it! I have met so many wonderful
people through the years, that the occasional bad contact is
really meaningless to me! No matter what I just keep teaching,
training and learning and passing on what I know to my students!
I could list all of the things that I have done but really that is
unimportant! What is important to me is to just keep going and
enjoy what I do! I would also ad that there are a lot of events
going on now so you really can pick and choose and have an
opportunity to train almost anywhere and at any time! Modern
Arnis is blessed with many wonderful teachers some of those
include but are not limited to: Dan Anderson, Tim Hartman,
Kelly Worden, Dr. Remy Presas Junior, Shiroshir Inocalla, Jim Powers,
Rich Parsons, All of the Masters from the Phillipines who have a
world of knowledge and so on! You really can't go wrong, just
train and enjoy it! Good luck!

Brian R. VanCise
HERE ARE THE CONTRIBUTIONS!!1-I study the art with the Brothers in the old days.Yes Remy & Ernesto did as 1 art-1 line-1 goal.I keep that dream alive by emulating my teachers (being kind hearted & showing the art to those who show a egor or hungur for the art to go on.2-keeping the art as they did for no political or factions or groups to collect as thier own but, rather to teach as a gift.You would not sell or other a good x-mass gift you waanted as a kid.So it gose for the gift of the art of thier dad & grandfather.From Stoke we get the corto-From Jose we get the abinico & kuntao.Now together we have Close range cut of kuntao.Now Remy & Ernesto gave it the Arnis of the line Balintawak-Surada-Espada y Daga ect.This gift I gladly open & show-not for profit sake but,for the fact its fun-historicaly interesting & keeps 1 fit.Mabuhay Balisalomit
monkey said:
HERE ARE THE CONTRIBUTIONS!!1-I study the art with the Brothers in the old days.Yes Remy & Ernesto did as 1 art-1 line-1 goal.I keep that dream alive by emulating my teachers (being kind hearted & showing the art to those who show a egor or hungur for the art to go on.2-keeping the art as they did for no political or factions or groups to collect as thier own but, rather to teach as a gift.You would not sell or other a good x-mass gift you waanted as a kid.So it gose for the gift of the art of thier dad & grandfather.From Stoke we get the corto-From Jose we get the abinico & kuntao.Now together we have Close range cut of kuntao.Now Remy & Ernesto gave it the Arnis of the line Balintawak-Surada-Espada y Daga ect.This gift I gladly open & show-not for profit sake but,for the fact its fun-historicaly interesting & keeps 1 fit.Mabuhay Balisalomit

Excuse me?

Balintawak-Surada-Espada y Daga from both the Ernesto and Remy Presas?

First, as far as I know Ernesto never trained in the Cebu Balintawak Club. He may have gotten a little from his brother Remy, but form what I have seen I do not think so. Remy talked to GM Bacon before he left CEBU and explained he woudl be doing his own thing and would not teach Balintawak.

Now I agree that some did get aspects of Remy Presas Balintawak for example Rocky, and a few others. There are some aspects in the blocks and a few other things as well if he spent the time with you and cared, but to say that both taught Balintawak and used the name, I do not believe it.
Ernesto in his move are not how we say without degrading the family(not to clean)Lot of what he dose like the butterfly-bonkow-mono y mono-serada-esapd y daga seem to have the same basic patterns though many katas are shown -same Remy dose- He tends to stay stagnet.His skills are good & strong but repition tends to lead to the over site of the attackrs to view this & lets them see the chance for opning.Ernie also likes to utilies videos so time to time he uses his brothers for referance of what he dose.This is why Remy changes his styles from mondern arnis -practical-arnisr de tranka-tapi tapi.He knew were they come from.Some times students cross train with both & things or teachings get exchanged.
First off, I am still a beginner in the FMA's...

I created StickArts.com, a website decicated to the proliferation of any art involving sticks. No politics, no bias, no BS, no cost. All I asked was that poeple supply me with info they want posted. I have taken the time to gather schools, events and organizations. I have then sent emails to school owners, organization heads and businesses. Many do not even reply. I have personally contacted some individuals asking they put links on their websites, and they do not. I guess they are afraid of their students finding a better instructor, school or organization.

Enough rantings, the positives...
There are many that have taken advantage of the 5,000 unique monthy visitors (I know not a lot compared to MT :)). So people submit articles, photos and seminars on a weekly basises. Many of them looking for schools in there area. I thank all of you for your support and appreciation. Many days I have thought about giving up on it, but then a school owner sends an email thanking me for a new student.

I hope my efforts have gotten the word out there and more people are starting to try the FMA's. I have met some great people and I hope to meet even more!
HKphooey said:
First off, I am still a beginner in the FMA's...

I created StickArts.com, a website decicated to the proliferation of any art involving sticks. No politics, no bias, no BS, no cost. All I asked was that poeple supply me with info they want posted. I have taken the time to gather schools, events and organizations. I have then sent emails to school owners, organization heads and businesses.

Not to me.

Although we are more into general combatives then anything art specific, I am currently offering privates in Balintawak, and I have been active in FMA for over 16 years now. I'll check out your site, and send you info if you are interested. Just give me some time (like months), because I have a lot on my plate right now.

Tulisan said:
Not to me.

Although we are more into general combatives then anything art specific, I am currently offering privates in Balintawak, and I have been active in FMA for over 16 years now. I'll check out your site, and send you info if you are interested. Just give me some time (like months), because I have a lot on my plate right now.


Sorry! I was in a hurry and I should of specified that your site sounds like a nice concept, and by "not to me" I mean that I was never notified of it.

If your doing good work, then keep it up, and I'll talk to you soon. :)

Tim Hartman said:
Now itÂ’s time for a new project. My goal, with the help of an excellent staff from MT are trying to duplicate the MT success for the Filipino Martial Arts community with www.FMATALK.com The goal of this MT spin off brand is to help bring the FMA community together in order to give it greater exposure. In its third week the stats are as follow:

Members: 87
Threads: 125
Posts: 426

:cheers: :asian:

As of today, May 22, 2006 FMATalk has hit these numbers!

Members: 320
Threads: 648
Posts: 4,539

Not bad for 8 months!

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