What MUST be taught in a Self-Defense Course?

The place is called the Brainery, they offer classes to the public in just about any topic you can imagine. Most of their classes are inexpensive and attract community members who are looking to learn more about various topics.
For someplace like that, I'd be inclined to have someone join me, so I could do about 5 minutes of demonstrations and explanations each class, to give attendees a glimpse of what more there is to learn.
Looks interesting. I don't want to sound like I am telling you what to do, since apparently you have done this before, but have you considered that it might be good to switch 3 and 4? That is, teach standing, moving and blocking before striking with fists and/or weapons?
5 and 6 will keep you quite busy considering how many things you will teach in 2 hours.

I wish you luck, and hope you do indeed find a way to make this good for your students. It will be a good service if you accomplish that.
I was actually thinking the same exact thing when I wrote this up, I will be switching 5 and 6 around.
It's real rough right now but so far this is what I have:

Self-Defense Class Bios

1. Basic Self-Defense: Intro to Self-Defense- This is the first in a series of 6 different Basic Self-Defense Classes that can be taken either individually or for best results as a complete course on the subject. This particular class will give you an understanding of what Self-Defense is, how to avoid dangerous situations, and a general overview of what to expect from the other 5 classes. This class is a beginner’s course and it is open to all ages and sexes. (2hrs)

2. Basic Self-Defense: Avoidance- This is the second in a series of 6 different Basic Self-Defense Classes that can be taken either individually or for best results as a complete course on the subject. This particular class will teach you how to become aware of dangerous situations and avoid conflicts before they start. The course will include de-escalation techniques, verbal judo, and the legalities of Self-Defense. This class is a beginner’s course and it is open to all ages and sexes. (2hrs)

3. Basic Self-Defense: Striking- This is the third in a series of 6 different Basic Self-Defense Classes that can be taken either individually or for best results as a complete course on the subject. This particular class will teach various striking tools (fists, elbow, kicks, knees, palm heel) and how to spot vulnerable striking targets/pressure points. This class is a beginner’s course and it is open to all ages and sexes. (2 hrs)

4. Basic Self-Defense: Stances, Movement, Blocks- This is the forth in a series of 6 different Basic Self-Defense Classes that can be taken either individually or for best results as a complete course on the subject. This particular class will teach you how to stand properly, how to effectively move, and how to best block attacks. This class is a beginner’s course and it is open to all ages and sexes. (2hrs)

5. Basic Self-Defense: Weapons- This is the fifth in a series of 6 different Basic Self-Defense Classes that can be taken either individually or for best results as a complete course on the subject. This particular class will dispel the myths about fighting against a weapon and teach techniques for disarming and defending against guns, knives, and sticks and will teach you how to spot and use improvised weapons. This class is a beginner’s course and it is open to all ages and sexes. (2hrs)

6. Basic Self-Defense: Techniques/Ground Work- This is the sixth and final class in a series of 6 different Basic Self-Defense Classes that can be taken either individually or for best results as a complete course on the subject. This particular class will teach escapes from common attacks such as grabs, chokes, bear hugs as well as what to do should you be taken to the ground or pinned down, and we will also teach escapes from zip ties and duct tape. This class is a beginner’s course and it is open to all ages and sexes. (2hrs)

I am currently re-working it but this is my very rough draft so far.

Hey man,

I got the Power Point, but I have been beyond busy. Working 3 jobs (full-time, part-time, and freelance writing). I will definitely look it over though!
Personally, I believe in injecting a little reality check into a self-defense course. Let them know there is no way they can develop the muscle memory in such a short class. When they are attacked 2 months after their 2 hour course, they will not have the motor skills to handle it...unless they continue to train. This isn't so much for the curriculum of your course itself as it is for you to have a higher student body in the future. This is what is called an "upsell."

As for the course itself, you obviously don't want any complicated techniques or counters. Teach them to strike for vulnerable parts of an attacker's body while using not-so-vulnerable parts of theirs. Another biggie would be situational awareness: don't walk around zoned out on your cell phone, so you can notice the guy who has been following you for one block too many. Being able to spot danger before it gets physical is huge.
Very true. I love attending Self Defense classes after personally training for over 12 years. I do my best not to critique the instructor, but sometimes they are too wrong not to throw in your two cents.

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